new airport: How you can participate in choosing the new location.

The independent technical commission that is studying the location options for the future Lisbon Airport has launched AeroParticipa, an online platform so that any citizen can participate and be part of this decision.

Monte Real, Santarém, Alverca, Portela, Montijo, Alcochete and Beja. Seven possible locations and different combinations between them. At the request of the Government, an independent technical commission is studying different options to install the new Lisbon Airport, a decision that has taken a while to be taken by the country and in which you too can get involved.

Through the online platform AeroParticipate, promoted by the aforementioned independent commission, it is possible to explore the different locations and combinations under study, and leave contributions. The site allows you to see a summary of access by rail and road for each option., possible airport capacity and the population affected by noise.

No total, there are nine options for the location of the future Lisbon Airport under study, of which five (the first in the list below) result from the Government's indication and four others are being analyzed at the initiative of the independent technical commission. Some options only include a location (in other words, a single airport); others, a combination of two airports, one main and one secondary:

Montijo (principal) + Portela (secondary), Portela (principal) + Montijo (secondary), Alcochete, Portela (principal) + Santarém (secondary), Santarém, Alcochete (principal) + Santarém (secondary), Alverca (principal) + Portela (Secondary), Beja and Monte Real

On the available map, you can see all locations and also protected zones, transport and other constraints.

You can also suggest to the technical committee other options for possible analysis, clicking on the map and dragging the plane symbol; thereafter, an email will be sent in which you are invited to explain in detail.

O AeroParticipa allows, through a dedicated section, anyone to indicate their preferences regarding the location of the future Airport, as well as sharing questions and ideas about that location, the overflight of cities, the environmental impact and the future of Portela, among other topics. Internet users will be able to interact with each other's opinions, indicating whether they agree, voting and leaving your own thoughts. To participate in this debate, simply register on the platform.

No site, you can indicate your opinion about each of the options.

You can also leave questions and ideas, and interact with other Internet users

nine options

The independent technical commission is looking, as we said, for at least nine options. But at the end of April will present the total list of possible solutions. For now, on the platform AeroParticipate you can discover the nine open locations through interactive maps that even allow you to simulate the approach of planes.

The independent technical commission is led by Maria do Rosário Partidário, Full Professor at IST-UL in Planning, Urbanism and Environment at the Department of Civil Engineering, Specialist in Strategic Environmental Assessment (AAE). Through AeroParticipate, it is possible to know the composition of this commission, saber which entities have already been heard and know more about what should be an airport and how it should work.

The purpose of the commission is to prepare a Strategic Environmental Assessment (AAE), a strategic decision support tool to ensure that environmental and sustainability concerns are integrated into public policy assessment and decision making. in a simple way, this document should describe the different options and, for each one, its pros and cons, with a clear objective of increasing the airport capacity of the Lisbon region, sold out today in Portela.

The SEA is not an Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA), with which it is often confused. The SEA assesses the political and socio-economic conditions for development, that generate projects, integrated with environmental concerns. The EIA evaluates the environmental and social effects of development proposals, usually projects, in relation to your location, dimension, nature and characteristics. One of the great advantages of SEA is to reduce uncertainty in EIA.

a participatory process

The commission says it intends to ensure “A participatory SEA process, transparent, democratic and informative by the end of 2023â€, with the AeroParticipa platform being a part of this process. Earlier this year, the commission “opened spaces for dialogue†with “various public and private interlocutors to listen to perspectives and prioritiesâ€; as key ideas from some of these conversations can be read here.

The participation process now open to the public is divided into three phases, with different objectives. at first, wider, it is intended to collect contributions on the location options on the table. in a second, the commission will look inputs that help you make decisions regarding these locations. The third and final phase will focus on the final assessment of the opportunities and risks of each of the options..

You will be able to participate and follow the process through the platform

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