Odemira: 11Th National BDTECA-Contest Comic.
The Band Contest Designed marks the start of activities of the 11th BDTECA. The deadline for delivery of work due to the day 10 Feb., It is directed to larger 16 year old.
The competition is to prizes 500 euros for the 1st place, 250 2nd euros or e 125 or euros for 3rd place. The theme is free and entries must be submitted in A3 format, with maximum 4 unpublished original boards and in Portuguese.
Each contestant can participate with more than one job, since we sent separately and different pseudonyms com. The identification and author of contacts should appear only in the closed envelope inside, with the pseudonym abroad.
Bidders must submit their work in the Single Desk of the municipality of Odemira or send to the municipality of Odemira, Republic square, 7630-139 Odemira.
Of the Comic Contest rules are available at www.cm-odemira.pt