The new international youth volunteer project in the municipality of Odemira was approved, with the theme “Regenerar Odemira”, for implementation between 2021 and 2022, within the European Solidarity Corps.
The territory of Odemira will receive, from April and for a year, six young people from various countries in Europe and six young people from Odemirense will participate in European projects during the summer months.
As a host territory, this new project aims to involve young people from different European countries in three local organizations: Rota Vicentina - Association for the Promotion of Nature Tourism on the Alentejo and Vicentina Coast, Gaia Alentejo - Center for Environmental Action and Intervention Association and PROJECT EARTH – Association for the Sustainable Valorization of Convergence Regions, in the construction and revitalization of the territory.
“Regenerar Odemira” is the fourth project of the Municipality of Odemira submitted and approved within the scope of international volunteer programs and which intends to strengthen the work in the area of youth in the municipality by creating spaces where young people can be creators of dynamics, raising awareness of issues related to environmental sustainability, ecology and environment, preservation of heritage, local traditions and culture, regeneration of forests, inclusion and solidarity.
The aim is to encourage young people from Odemira and other countries to become active citizens, through initiatives developed in the communities that welcome them.
From 2015, the first year in which Municipalities were able to participate, that Odemira has European youth volunteering projects, which involved about € 200,000 for its execution. The odemirense territory received 19 youth 11 nationalities (Germany, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland and Turkey) and 13 young odemirans lived and participated in projects of 7 countries (Bulgaria, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, France, Hungary and Sweden).
By the end of 2020 European youth volunteering projects took place under the Erasmus Program + Youth in Action. Starting from 2021 and even 2027, the new program in force is called the European Solidarity Corps.