Odemira: Local authority will begin the Participatory Budget 2017.

The Municipality of Odemira will start on Saturday, the new Participatory Budgeting cycle Odemira 2017, which again has a total value of 500 thousand euros.

From day 1 April until the end of June, the population of Odemira may submit proposals for public investments, under the new Participatory Budgeting process cycle, promoted by the Municipality of Odemira, which aims to enhance the exercise of participatory citizenship, active and responsible, to improve the quality of life in the county.

The OP Odemira has a total value of 500 thousand euros, divided into 250 thousand euros for projects promoted in the coastal parishes or with a population of 1500 people and other 250 thousand euros for projects promoted in the parishes with lower population 1500 population.

Proposals may be submitted online, by page www.op.cm-odemira.pt, and in person, the Shareholder Meetings that some will be held throughout the territory.

May participate citizens aged from 16 year old, residents, workers or students in the county, as well as representatives of civil society organizations. Each citizen may only submit a proposal, whose value does not exceed 125 thousand euros, focusing on areas of municipal competence and is of collective interest.

Proposals may focus on the areas of Urbanism, Public and Green Spaces Space, Energy and Environmental Protection, Sanitation and Hygiene Urban, Roadway infrastructure, Traffic and Mobility, Tourism, Trade and Economic Promotion, Education and Youth, Sports, Social action, Culture and Administrative Modernization.

The proposals will be put to the vote, during the months of October and November, and those who gather the most votes will be integrated into the Municipal Budget 2018.

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