Odemira: Local authority saw approved application to promote school success.
It approved the application of Odemira Chamber, no value 800 thousand euros, intended to promote school success.
It approved the application of the Municipality of Odemira the Alentejo 2020 to promote school success, Odete under the program - Odemira Educational Territory, in the amount of € 810,467.94, with funding 85% through the European Social Fund.
The application includes actions to promote school success (as opposed to early school leaving), a shared responsibility logic, with the establishment of partnerships between the City and School Groups, and promotion of knowledge / formal and non formal. The funding covers the school years to 2019/2020.
Between the 21 actions approved for funding (total no 26), are actions aimed at increasing the quality of success at all educational levels and a decrease in retained in 2nd cycle and the 10th year, activities that fall into the training, awareness, design, meetings, studies, inclusion and networking.
The Odemirense authority submitted an application in the amount of € 1,489,470.02, It was approved the amount of € 810,467.94, with funding 85% through the European Social Fund.