Odemira: Santa Clara Dam National Photography Competition theme.

The dam of Santa Clara is the subject of editing 2019 National Photography Competition, promoted by the Municipality of Odemira and soup Artists – Local Association of Plastic Artists.

The deadline for receipt of the work ends on 30 of September. In addition to cash prizes for the three best photos, the best works will be shown at an exhibition taking place at the Municipal Library during the month of November.

This contest aims to promote and disseminate the county, and this year decided the dam of Santa Clara as the theme of the contest photos, in order to mark the 50 years of the reservoir in a creative way and with different looks.

Can participate in amateur and professional photographers, with a maximum of 3 photos by competitor, in digital format, color or black / white. unpublished papers will be accepted and which have not already been awarded or obtained any honorable mention in another competition. Manipulated images will not be accepted or photomontages. The works to be presented must be registered in the territory of the Odemira municipality and must indicate the place where they were taken.

The registration form and transfer rights declaration are available in the municipality of Odemira website at www.cm-odemira.pt. Photographs and respective documentation should be sent to the e mail concurso.fotografia@cm-odemira.pt

The winner will be awarded the value of 500 euros, the runner will receive 250 euros and the third 125 euros. The best works will be gathered on display, which will be reflected in the Municipal Library José Saramago, in Odemira, during the month of November.

For questions should contact the Socio-Cultural Development Division of the Municipality of Odemira, over the phone 283 320 900 or by e-mail concurso.fotografia@cm-odemira.pt

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