Odemira: Municipal Library José Saramago marks 16th anniversary.
Next September, the Municipal Library José Saramago Odemira celebrates sixteen years to the service of the people and culture in Odemira.
As usual and to mark the date, the Municipal Library will offer the entire population a cultural program with various activities, especially for the younger audience. The Celebration of the 16th Anniversary of the Library is part of the scope of the event “Cultural September”.
O program starts-not day 2 of September, a partir the 10 hours, with the opening of the exhibition Bibliographical marking the VergÃlio Ferreira's Birth Centenary. The exhibition will be open until the day 9 September and shall make known the life and work of the writer.
In the evening the party continues, a partir das 17h30, with activity “Babies to Colo”, a dance studio for babies, between 0 and 24 months, dinamizada por Albina Petrolati, which aims to develop the primary language and awaken the baby to music and movement with melodies, rhythm patterns and body. For 21h00 is scheduled to play “Karingana Blues”, a family show that starting from traditional stories Guided Visits with Theater, combines poetry, theater and live music.
Closing the first day of celebration, the children, aged between 7 and 10 year old, They are invited to sleep in the library for a night surrounded by tales of delight. This initiative requires prior registration in the Municipal Library until the day 25 August.
For the day 5 of September, a partir das 10h30, It is scheduled a children's poetry session “Poems for Small Plates”. The evening begins with a dance studio, orientado por Albina Petrolati, for children between 6 and 9 year old, which aims to combine the reading to the design of a small choreographic spectacle.
The following is a session of children's stories, Streamlined by accountant teal Ladybug Duarte, by settles – Alentejo Writers Association. 17.00, will take place the presentation of a story set to music “The World's Largest Flower”, by José Saramago, the only children's book writer.
The feast day ends as always with cutting birthday cake, with the presence of all the patrons of the Library.