It was extended until 30 June 2021 the deadline for submitting applications for the 6th edition of the Spirit Entrepreneur Award, promoted by the Municipality of Odemira, under the Odemira undertakes - Municipal Program for Entrepreneurship and Employment.
The Entrepreneurial Spirit Award aims to distinguish and give public visibility to those who have contributed the most or may contribute to stimulating the entrepreneurial spirit and economic development of the county.
Prizes will be awarded to the best entrepreneurial and creative idea and the three best classified among the applications of new business initiatives.
They are open to all young people, aged 18 and 35 year old, with proposals for entrepreneurial and creative ideas, as well as new business initiatives based in Odemira, established less than three years.
Entrepreneurial and creative ideas will be evaluated according to originality, criativity and innovation, increased competitiveness and local economic development, possibility of value creation and sustainability. The best idea will be awarded with the value of €2,000.00, and the possibility of direct access to Odemira Companies Nest (conditioning maturity of the idea, the promoter of existence for its implementation, and the immediate availability of facilities).
New business initiatives will be evaluated on the basis of criteria such as valuing the economic and business structure, competitiveness, appreciation of human resources and environment and working conditions. The three best new business initiatives will be rewarded with the values ​​of 2.000 €, 1.000,00€ and € 500.00.
Applications must be submitted through form filling, available at the One Stop Shop, at the Entrepreneur Support Office and on the Municipality website, in .