Odemira: CDS-PP candidate Mariana Freire de Andrade to the House.

The chief of staff of the Parliamentary Group of the CDS-PP, Mariana Freire de Andrade, is the party's presidential candidate Odemira Chamber, no Beja district, in local elections this year.

According to the online edition of the Daily News (DN), citing Lusa, President of the Beja district of the CDS-PP, Louis Dargent, He maintained that the application Mariana Freire de Andrade was approved by the district council of Odemira, the district and national political committee of the party.

Militant CDS-PP, Mariana Freire de Andrade, of 48 year old, It has a degree in Communication Sciences and has been vice president of the district council of Alpiarça (Santarém) party. The husband is the candidate CDS / PP to the Lumiar Parish Council, in Lisbon.

The Chamber of Odemira is chaired since 2009 by socialist José Alberto Guerrero, that meets the second term, It has an absolute majority and leads an executive composed of five elected by the PS and two by CDU.

Jose Alberto Guerrero, that recandidata the PS to try the third and final consecutive term allowed by law, the former Communist councilor in the municipality Sara Ramos, CDU, President of the Social Democratic district council of Odemira, LuĂ­s Freitas, by PSD, e Ana Loureiro, the Left Bloc, are the presidential candidates of Odemira House in municipal scheduled for day 01 October.

The CDU leads of eight 14 municipalities in the district of Beja (Alvito, Canyons, Beja, Cuba, Castro Verde, Moura, Serpa and Vidigueira) e or PS six (Aljustrel, Almodovar, Ferreira do Alentejo, MĂ©rtola, Odemira and Ourique).

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