As of today, the Covid-19 testing operation in the municipality of Odemira will be extended to the entire population and companies. The tests will be carried out, for free, by appointment, in the Testing Center installed on the floor 0 of the Municipal Market building, in Odemira.
On 12 April, the appointments can be made between the 13.00 e as 18.00 hours. Between the days 13 and 23 April, the testing center will operate between 9:00 am / 18h00, with the exception of the weekend.
All interested parties, between resident population and economic activities (trade, services, industry, among others) must make their prior appointment to perform the Covid-19 test, through the site or the Civil Protection of Odemira, through contact 283 320 900.
Because Odemira is included, at this stage, in the group of municipalities with the highest cumulative incidence rate 14 days of Covid-19 disease, extensive testing is taking place in the municipality, through fixed and mobile centers, in order to cover as much of the population as possible. The testing operation started on the day 5 April and in a first phase it took place in agricultural activity, about five thousand tests were carried out on nationals and migrants.
Testing will also cover essential municipal services, namely water supply and wastewater services, collection and waste management, transport and civil protection.
The operationalization of testing results from a close articulation between the Local Health Authority, Public Health Unit / Local Health Unit of the Alentejo Coast (ULSLA), Alentejo Regional Health Authority, Municipality of Odemira and Municipal Civil Protection Service, Portuguese Red Cross and local and regional associations and entities.