Odemira: Commemorations of the Municipality and Patron's Day.

The Odemira Chamber notes on the day 8 September Municipality Day, the municipal holiday, and the Feasts in Honor of Nossa Senhora da Piedade, your patron.

Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic situation experienced in the country and in the World, this year's celebrations program is reduced and conditioned, respecting the guidelines of the General Health Directorate.

On Tuesday, 8 of September, municipal holiday and Odemira Municipality Day, by 10.00 hours, a message from the Mayor is published on the municipality's Facebook page, Jose Alberto Guerrero.

A partir das 11.00 hours there is entertainment in the streets of the village Odemira with the Tocá Rufar and 11.30 the Hastear da Bandeira ceremony takes place at the Paços do Concelho building, in Republic Square. After the solemn moment, street entertainment continues until 12.00 hours.

By 17.30 hours, the image of Nossa Senhora da Piedade goes out in procession, being transported in a Odemira Volunteer Firefighters vehicle. The image starts from the Church of S. Salvador, passes through Praça da República, Garden Sousa Prado, Of. Poole da Costa and continues to the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Piedade.

By 18.00 hours, a mass begins at Largo da Nossa Senhora da Piedade Chapel.

In the musical spectacle and religious celebration, seats are limited and the use of a mask is mandatory.

The organization is the responsibility of the Municipality and Parish of Odemira.

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