Odemira: Entries and exits in parishes subject to negative test.

Entrances and exits to work or support the elderly in the parishes of Odemira under a sanitary fence are now allowed, but are dependent on a covid-19 negative test, measure in force from the 08:00 of today.

In published order, on friday night, in Diário da República, entry into the parishes of São Teotónio and Longueira-Almograve for the “exercise of professional activities” and for the “support for the elderly, disabled or dependent and for health or humanitarian reasons” depends on the presentation of proof of negative PCR test performed in the 72 previous hours or rapid antigen negative test performed on the 24 previous hours.

According to Notícias ao Minuto, the departure of the two parishes for the same reasons also depends on the presentation of a new rapid antigen test with a negative result, performed on 24 previous hours.

In the explanatory statement of the diploma, the Government stresses the need to “establish the conditions for, exceptionally, movement of workers of essential services should be allowed, as well as workers on a range of farms that need to be safeguarded, without neglecting the defense of public health”.

The charges for the tests carried out on seasonal workers assigned to agricultural holdings and the construction sector are the responsibility of the user company or final beneficiary of the services provided., read in the dispatch.

The Government further determines that employers of agricultural workers, wishing to enter the two parishes in the municipality of Odemira, no Beja district, for providing seasonal work “have to transmit requests for access by these workers to the Regional Directorate for Agriculture and Fisheries in Alentejo, indicating the day and place of entry and places of accommodation, for assessing their habitability conditions by the local health authority and for inspection and access control by GNR”.

O diploma, signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, and by the Minister of Health, Marta Feared, comes into force at 08:00 of today.

On Thursday, at the press conference after the Council of Ministers meeting, the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, announced the maintenance of the sanitary fence in the parishes of São Teotónio and Longueira-Almograve and indicated that they would be created “specific conditions of access to work” and also for “exceptional and urgent cases”, but that the entry into force would take place only on Monday.

The high incidence of covid-19 in the two parishes was mainly due to cases among immigrants working in agriculture in the region. The municipality of Odemira has already overcome incidences of 1.000 cases by 100.000 population, but on Thursday there were about 240 by 100.000 population.

Last week, the prime minister, António Costa, stressed that “some population lives in unacceptable housing unhealthy situations, with overcrowding of dwellings”, reporting situations of “huge public health risk, beyond a stark violation of human rights”.

The municipality estimated that “no minimum six thousand” of 13 thousand agricultural workers in the county, permanent and temporary, “do not have conditions of habitability”.

Precautionary measure may compel immigrants to leave Zmar.

According JN, the Supreme Administrative Court accepted a precautionary measure brought by residents in Zmar, in Odemira, which may suspend the civil requisition decreed by the Government.

The Supreme Administrative Court admitted the precautionary measure brought by the lawyer of homeowners in Zmar, in Odemira, which temporarily suspends the civil requisition of the complex.

“The Supreme Administrative Court has admitted our action, [what is] immediate suspension of the effectiveness of the administrative act”, said Nuno Silva Vieira, represents 116 of 140 residents in that complex.

In practice, He explained, “from the moment of the Government's summons”, the temporary requisition of the Zmar tourist complex decreed a week ago by the Government “is suspended”.

“But the Government can react and we can also react to the Government's reaction”, added the lawyer, highlighting that “there is still no final decision” from the court, in other words, contrary to what was advanced this morning, there is no order to remove immigrants from Zmar.

Photo: Reinaldo Rodrigues / Global Images

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