Odemira: “Feast and festivals” It is the theme of the national photo contest 2017.
The Municipality of Odemira and soup Artists - Local Association of Plastic Artists return to promote the National Photography Contest.
"Festivals and Fairs" is the theme chosen for the 9th edition of the contest, which should be based on the county of Odemira, and that the time limit for receipt of the work ends on 20 August.
This contest aims to promote and disseminate the county, as well as the stimulation and development of this art genre.
Can participate in amateur and professional photographers, with a maximum of 3 photos by competitor, in digital format, color or black / white. unpublished papers will be accepted and which have not already been awarded or obtained any honorable mention in another competition. Manipulated images will not be accepted or photomontages.
Photographs must indicate where they were taken and sent in digital format, with a minimum of 3000 pixels, in JPG format with compression 8 (of 0 a 12), so that each image does not exceed 5 MB. Each contestant must download the registration form and transfer rights declaration in the Odemira municipality's website at www.cm-odemira.pt. Photographs and respective documentation should be sent to the e-mail concurso.fotografia@cm-odemira.pt.
The winner will receive the prize of 500,00 €, the runner will receive 250,00 € and the third 125,00 €. The 15 best works will be on display together, which will be reflected in the Municipal Library José Saramago, in Odemira, in date to be announced.
For questions or any additional questions, should contact the DCSD - Culture Division, Sport and Health of the Municipality of Odemira, over the phone 283320900 or by e-mail: concurso.fotografia@cm-odemira.pt