Odemira: Tributes at the “Municipality Day” ceremony. Beja Nurse, Luís Gomes, among the medal winners.

On 8 of September, by 10.30 hours, the Solemn Session of Municipality Day will take place at the Misericórdia Church of Odemira. On the day the municipal holiday is marked, the Protocol Ceremony will be a moment to honor and recognize twelve health professionals who stood out for their work in the service of Alentejo and the Odemirense community.

In 2024, the Municipality of Odemira awards the Public Services Medal to members of the Odemira municipality teams of the Case Management Program for Chronic Patients with Multimorbidity and the Heart Failure and Multimorbidity Care Paths, namely to General and Family Medicine Doctors, Fernando Rivero and Lisandra Diaz, and nurses Hugo Mendonça, Vitor Gomes, Luís Gomes and Mónica Raimundo.

This project translates into a new model of care provision, focused on the needs of patients and their families, proactive and community-based, which has as its pillar the coordination between Hospital Health Care and Primary Health Care, based on a multidisciplinary team made up of Internal Medicine doctors, General and Family Medicine Doctors, Primary Health Care and Hospital Nurses, Social Service Technicians and other professionals.

The results of new ways of providing care, through these proximity teams, translate into a reduction in decompensation in chronically ill patients and consequently a reduction in visits to the Emergency Department, reduction in hospital admissions and even consultations. This personalized monitoring of patients and families increases their satisfaction with the care provided and guarantees the promotion of well-being and quality of life.

The members of the Board of Directors of the Local Health Unit of the Alentejo Coast are also distinguished with the Public Services Medal of the Municipality of Odemira., E.P.E., chaired by Catarina Arizmendi Filipe, which has as Executive Member Pedro Ruas, as Clinical Director for the José Sousa e Costa Hospital area, as Clinical Director for the area of ​​primary health care Zaida Alves and as Nurse-Director Ana Palmeirinha. ULSLA's Mission, E.P.E. is based on the integrated and personalized provision of healthcare to all citizens, ensuring an adequate response, Of Quality, in useful time, with technical-scientific rigor and respect for human dignity, promoting the trust of employees and users, in the continuous search for solutions that reduce morbidity and allow for health gains. The award of these public service medals reflects the work of all the men and women who make up the various health units in this territory, in different categories of activity.

The Municipality of Odemira also awards the Public Services Medal to Doctor Fernando Manuel Medina, for his work at the service of Alentejo and the Odemirense community as Coordinator of the Odemira Primary Health Care Unit and the Community Palliative Care Support Team. In carrying out his duties, he has been developing key work aimed at the growth of integrated healthcare, in the conviction that this was essential to elevate the image, preparation and capacity to intervene in the day-to-day challenges of the Odemira Primary Health Care Unit, as well as its professionals. His leadership skills and strong sense of responsibility led him to fight for the rehabilitation of Health Extensions, in order to respond to the needs of the population and dignify the conditions for providing healthcare in the territory.

Still within the scope of the Municipality Day Ceremony, by 13.00 hours, a social lunch open to the public will take place in the Festive Area of ​​the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Piedade. The highlight of the night will be the concert with Resistência, which will take place in Jardim Ribeirinho de Odemira at 21.30 hours.

In the month of September, the village of Odemira pays homage to its Patron Saint at the Festivities in Honor of Our Lady of Piedade, taking place between days 6 and 8 of September, with a set of shows and cultural and religious activities that are part of the “September, cultural immersion”.

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