Odemira: European Heritage Days dedicated to Memories Share.

"Sharing Memories" is the theme of the scheduled get-together for the day 28 of September, by 16.00 hours, the Church of Mercy of Odemira, within the European Heritage Days 2018.

The Municipality of Odemira invites for a chat with researchers, Spearhead, craftsmen and artists, on different perspectives, experiences, threats and opportunities of the different cultural events and traditions of the county.

Under discussion are issues such as the traditional poles, purple campani莽a, the sing impromptu / jolt, purple campani莽a, the oldest professions and popular poetry.

As guests will attend Marta Warrior (Coordinator of the research project on traditional masts "From the Earth to Heaven" of Odemira - Association-Foot Xumbo), Master Pedro (Coordinator of the Center for Appreciation of Viola Campani莽a and Impromptu Sing), Antero Silva (Cultural dynamic impact initiatives in the county), Daniel Luz (Craftsman builder of stringed instruments), Jos茅 Guilherme (Moleiro Municipal) and Manuel da Gra莽a (popular poet).

Professor and historian Ant贸nio Quaresma will take the framework and moderation of Tertulia.

The initiative is promoted by the municipality of Odemira, and is part of the Cultural Program in September. Participation is free.

The European Heritage Days are an annual initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Union, involving about 40 countries in order to raise awareness of the importance of heritage protection. In each country is promoted, annually, a program of activities at national level.

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