“For the ecological regeneration of the region, against the expansion of agribusiness". A group of initiatives, movements and communities calls for participation in the March for Water.
It is an invitation to all who want to protect the water in Southwest Alentejo, in the face of risks that threaten the entire region. The Southwest Alentejo became the scene of a decisive conflict for the future of this region.
In this sense, the movement intends to assert its opposition to an abusive agro-industry that destroys and pollutes the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, consumes the scarce water resources of the Santa Clara dam and inhumanely exploits tens of thousands of migrant workers.
At the same time, It is important to address the root causes that led to the current water crisis., with decades of poor water and soil management that produced the ongoing desertification process, the depletion of aquifers, the disappearance of flora and fauna, and an increase in the number of fires and floods.
This region faces a decisive choice, between ecological degradation and the possibility of regeneration. We believe that, if we manage to propose and follow a coherent alternative vision for the future of this territory, we're not just avoiding the worst, but also to develop a living example for a regenerative culture.. There is already a growing number of agroecological and community initiatives that make visible the change that needs to be made..
Promoters want to unite several initiatives, activists and communities, both traditional and innovative, in a listening space, exchange and mutual support. the march through water, a 17 October, wants to bring together everyone who cares about water, with human dignity and the future of this region, aligning the dreams of a collective future, coordinating positions and strategies to curb the expansion of intensive agroindustry.
Not only in Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina, but also in Baixo Alentejo and Algarve, regions already severely affected by the effects of the climate crisis, with long periods of extreme drought, how much more, being also the target of the unbridled agribusiness, no rules or limits, as we witness every day.
The March for Water is the culmination of the Meeting for Water, an initiative involving activists from Serpa to Odemira and from Lagos to Lisbon, with work developed in water protection, in the regeneration of ecosystems, in defining policies and/or having knowledge for the creation of a Regional Water Alliance. The meeting will take place in the community of Tamera, in Relics, on days 15 and 16 October.
The March for Water is open to the public, starting at 11am at Boavista dos Pinheiros and continuing to Odemira, along the Mira River, in a mix between an activist march and a community experience, to curb the expansion of agribusiness and promote available alternatives. In the afternoon, the March for Water leads to a concentration at Jardim de Sousa Prado, in Odemira, at 2:30 pm where there will be room for interventions, music and other activities.