Until the end of April 2022, Applications are now open for the 7th edition of the Entrepreneur Spirit Award, promoted by the Municipality of Odemira.
The initiative aims to stimulate and recognize the entrepreneurial and creative initiatives, under the Odemira undertakes - Municipal Program for Entrepreneurship and Employment.
Esta edição tem como novidade a atribuição de dois prémios para propostas empreendedoras e criativas, aumentando assim a possibilidade dos jovens do concelho de Odemira verem o seu potencial reconhecido.
Esta iniciativa tem por objetivo valorizar e dar visibilidade pública a quem já contribui ou pode vir a contribuir para dinamizar o espírito empreendedor e inovador, as well as the economic development of the municipality.
They are open to all young people, aged between 18 and 35 year old, with proposals for entrepreneurial and creative ideas, as well as new business initiatives based in Odemira, established less than three years.
Entrepreneurial and creative ideas will be evaluated based on their originality, criativity and innovation, increased competitiveness and local economic development, possibility of value creation and sustainability. The two best entrepreneurial and creative proposals will be awarded €1,200.00 and €800.00, and the possibility of direct access to Odemira Companies Nest.
Para a avaliação das novas iniciativas empresariais vão ser tidos em consideração critérios como a valorização da estrutura económica e empresarial, competitiveness, appreciation of human resources and environment and working conditions. The three best new business initiatives will be awarded €2,000.00, 1.000,00€ and € 500.00.
Applications must be submitted by the day 30 de abril através de preenchimento de formulário, disponibilizado no Balcão Único e no site do Município, in www.cm-odemira.pt.