Odemira: County celebrates 40 years of Democratic Local Government.
Among the coming days 10, 11 and 12 of December, the municipality of Odemira will celebrate the 40 years of Local Democratic Power, one of the main achievements of the April Revolution 1974.
A 12 December 2016 is fulfilled the 40th anniversary of the First Local Elections in Portugal, symbolic date which instituted the Local Democratic Power with constitutionally enshrined autonomy, with its own powers and bodies elected by mandate, by popular vote.
The Municipality of Odemira will mark the 40 years of Local Democratic Power with a set of initiatives open to the public. Highlighting the Evocative Ceremony, that day not be held 11 of December, by 10.30 hours, no Cineteatro Camacho Costa, in order to honor the work and dedication of everyone over 40 years did their best in the service of Local Authorities (Parishes and City) and its local bodies.
Will be honored the 155 county citizens elected in 1976 for the House and the Municipal Assembly and the 11 Assemblies and Parish, and a set of 12 personalities, indicated by partisan forces represented in the county, that are noteworthy in municipal life, in defense of the welfare of the people.
On 11 of December, before the ceremony of homage to the Local Elected, run the Flag Hoisting, with the presence of the Philharmonic Band of Odemira and the unveiling of Evocative Board, next to the building of the Town Hall, with cultural entertainment by Theatre Group Cabanita.
By 16.30 hours, the Municipal Library José Saramago, held the presentation of the book "Odemira – Residents Committees in April Revolution ", of the historians Antonio Martins Quaresma and Constantine Piçarra, with participation of Popular Poets Florencio Maria and Manuel da Graça.
On 12 of December, They will be held in the County Parish Schools and various activities allusive to the Celebration 40 years of Local Democratic Power. By 17.30 hours, run the Protocol Signing Ceremony with the Parish Social Institutions and the Council and the Presentation Ceremony of Winning Proposals Participatory Budget, the Municipal Library José Saramago
The program will also have a strong musical component, with performing three shows by the Orchestra of the Alentejo Coast (day 10 December), Teresa Salgueiro (11 of December) and Sérgio Godinho (12 December), no Cineteatro Camacho Costa.