Odemira: Municipality and GNR enter into lending contracts for military accommodation.

The Municipality of Odemira and the Guarda Nacional Republicana entered into lending contracts for the accommodation of military personnel who make up the staff of the Territorial Posts of Odemira and Savoia, of the Territorial Detachment of Odemira, with the objective of guaranteeing all the means and conditions for the continuity of the GNR in the territory.

The lending contracts were signed by the Mayor of Odemira, Helder Warrior, and the Commander of the Territorial Command of Beja of the GNR, Colonel Frederico Galvao da Silva, in a ceremony that took place on the day 21 of September, in the Town Hall of Odemira.

The Municipality has been developing a set of meetings and contacts with representatives of the National Republican Guard (GNR), either at the local level, regional e nacional, with a view to strengthening the existing security means in the municipality. At the aforementioned meetings, it was reported by the GNR representatives that the Territorial Posts of Odemira and Savoia do not have the capacity to accommodate the staff that provide services there.. In this sense, and in the context of good collaboration between entities, with a view to resolving this situation, the Municipality cedes two municipal housing, located in Odemira and Savoy, on loan, that will be exclusively attached to the Territorial Detachment of Odemira, for a period of five years, automatically renewable for equal periods.

Still in this scope of institutional collaboration, the municipality of Odemira, in conjunction with the Parish Councils, is supporting the GNR in the general rehabilitation of the Territorial Posts of São Teotónio, Savoy, Laps and St. Louis.

The governance program “Odemira 21_25†of the Municipality of Odemira, translated into the document referring to the "Strategic Objectives - 2022", foresees in its set of actions the “promotion of quality of life for all†and the development of the proposal of “proximity policyâ€, through which it is intended to promote the feeling of well-being in public spaces, with a special focus on issues such as hygiene, security and access for all. In this sense, It is a concern and determination of the Municipal Executive to contribute to the continued presence of GNR human resources in the territory and in particular within the municipality.

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