Aiming to foster and increase the practice of biorreside composting by the population, The Municipality of Odemira has installed new community compostors within the project “Let's Composition!", decentralizing the service to three other locations.
The second phase of the project advanced in January 2025, with the installation of community compostors in the localities of Longueira, Vila Nova de Milfontes and Sao Teotonio, thus decentralizing community compost beyond the village of Odemira.
To find solutions for the recycling of biorresides at the origin, thus avoiding your sending to landfill, The Municipality of Odemira began in the year 2022 The campaign “Let's compose!", with the free assignment of 600 domestic compostors and 1 Community composer installed in the garden of the fountain railway, in Odemira.
Composting is a natural process of recycling organic matter that allows you to take advantage of the waste from the kitchen and garden and turn them into a nutrient rich fertilizer, Configuring a reduction way of this type of waste.
Those interested in joining this campaign can receive, gratuitously, a domestic composer (with the ability to 300 l) or register for the use of community composers, located in Odemira, Longueira, SĂŁo TeotĂłnio and Vila Nova de Milfontes. Registration is conditioned to contract holders entered into with the municipality of Odemira for the water service, Sanitation and Waste.
For more information, Interested parties will be able to contact municipal services through email Registrations must be made on the Portal of the Municipality of Odemira, in
Source: Municipality of Odemira