Odemira: Municipality has OE2023 proposals to vote.

Participatory Budget 2023 started voting on 14 proposals for public investments in the Municipality of Odemira.

During the month of November, voting takes place in the 14 proposals for public investments presented by the population in the 12th edition of the Participatory Budget of the Municipality of Odemira (ON), and 9 for the OP and Municipal 5 proposals for the processes of the Parishes.

Voting will take place simultaneously for the Municipal OP and for the Parish OP where all citizens over the age of 14 year old, residents, workers or students in the county.

Voting can be done online through the page www.op.cm-odemira.pt<applewebdata://0C8BB3B0-2998-450F-AA2F-838E7CA8BB58/www.op.cm-odemira.pt>, by SMS (free), in person at the Municipality's One-Stop Shop, or at the offices of the Parish Councils. To support the voting process, the OP Hotline is available (283 320 938), running from Monday to Friday, the 09.00 am to 17.00 hours. For SMS voting, just send message to the number 4902 with text: ODM, space, P00 (insert number of the OP Municipal proposal), space, P00 (insert number of the OP Parishes proposal), space, FEMALE/CC, space, BIRTH DATE (no spaces: year month day), space, I ACCEPT.

The Municipal OP has an overall value of 300 thousand euros, with a maximum amount of 75 thousand euros per proposal. To promote territorial cohesion, the Municipality guarantees the implementation of at least 1 project (the most voted), in a parish with less than 1500 population.

Streamlined consecutively since 2011, the Odemira PB is the oldest continuous participatory process in the country, based on positive and constructive factors, based on proximity principles, transparency and participatory citizenship.

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