Odemira: Nazario Viana left the command of Fire. LuÃs Oliveira is the new commander
Luis Oliveira, He was appointed as commander of the Fire Odemira Volunteers, replacing in the position Nazario Viana who occupies the post of Superior Fire Official. At the time of farewell Nazario Viana sent a letter to the director of Lidador News.
The Fire Department of the Humanitarian Association of Fire Fighters Odemira Volunteers, It has the new commander, Chief Luis Miguel Oliveira Damasus, a man of the house who was several times in the command structure, replacing in the position Nazario Viana, ascends to the position, after the National Civil Protection Authority / National Director of Fire approve the appointment of Director.
Chief Fireman Odemira Volunteers for 22 year old, Nazário Viana left last Saturday, 12 November, the command post he held in the corporation, occupying the post of Superior Fire Official, where dedication, professionalism and team spirit that characterize me will remain forever.
In his facebook page, Nazario Viana yesterday left a thank you to the entities that worked justifying that “I take a great lesson, we'll never get to please everyone, but when we dedicate ourselves to 100% in order to work and provide the best service to those who need us, our conscience tells us that we did the best we could have done”.
The direction of Odemira Fire Volunteers have as president, António Camilo, antigo presidente da Câmara Municipal da “Vila do rio Mira”,elected last day 7 June, He took office seven days after for the next three years.
At the time of the output of the command of Fire Odemira Volunteers, Nazario Viana, He sent to the director of Lidador News, a letter of farewell and thanks for the cooperation between the two parties, we reproduce in full.
Hon. Sr. Teixeira Correia
At this point, in that process Commander duties of the office of the Corporation of Odemira Fire Volunteers, I could not fail to make a formal thanks to V. Ex.ª, com quem trabalhei durante a minha carreira de Comandante.
During these over 22 years as Commander, It was constant my effort for there to be cooperation between us. It was gratifying to feel that always responded positively to my requests, and that there was much respect for this corporation.
To me as a person, lisonjeio-me de ter merecido o seu respeito e espero que a amizade que cresceu para além do trabalho de cooperação seja perdurável.
Now a more personal, continuarei a estar ao seu dispor para aquilo que necessitarem, as a form of gratitude for all he has done for me and the institution that commanded.
No other issue at the moment,