Odemira: Participatory Budget 2018. Presentation winning proposals.
Will be presented today the winning proposals of the Participatory Budget (ON) the Municipality of Odemira 2018, a ceremony to be held in the Grand Hall of the Town Hall, open to the entire population.
Top-rated proposals will be included in the Municipal Budget 2019, up to an overall amount of 500 thousand euros.
Throughout the month of November was held the vote for a total of 53 proposals by the population, of which 18 focussed on proposals for the OP of the Municipality of Odemira and 35 proposals for OP processes of 13 The local parishes.
The winning proposals in the OP of Parishes processes will be presented in the respective territories, the Parish.
The Municipal OP has a total value of 500 thousand euros, divided into 250 thousand euros for projects promoted in the interior parishes with less population 1500 people and other 250 thousand euros for projects promoted in the coastal parishes and / or with a population of 1500 population. Each proposal may not exceed the maximum 125 thousand euros.
The aim of the OP is to enhance the active participation of citizens, enabling the presentation of projects and investment proposals aimed at improving the collective experience in Odemira.