Odemira: Participatory Budget 2022 with four winning proposals.

The winners were announced on 20 of December, in a ceremony held at the Paços do Concelho Building, with the Presence of the Mayor of Odemira, Helder Warrior.

There are four proposals most voted by citizens in the edition of 2022 of the Participatory Budget of the Municipality of Odemira and which consist of “Tractor for the Parish of Vila Nova de Milfontes “, “Refurbish the Bicos Social Center”, “Happy kids (Sao Teotonio)” e a “Acquisition of equipment for the Multipurpose Pavilion and Square, in Savoie”.

The winning projects will be included in the Municipal Budget of 2023, up to an overall amount of 300 thousand euros, with a maximum amount of 75 thousand euros per proposal. Voting took place during the month of November, simultaneously for the Municipal PB and for the Parish PB and all citizens aged from 14 year old, residents, workers or students in the county. There were recorded 2128 votes in total 14 proposals presented by the population for the Participatory Budget of Odemira, of which are 9 for the OP and Municipal 5 proposals for the OP of Parishes. The winning proposals in the PB of the Parishes, with the maximum value of 10 thousand euros per parish, will be disclosed by the respective Parish Councils.

The PB is an instrument of participatory democracy where citizens make decisions about the territory, sharing responsibilities in its management according to common objectives, and forms part of the Governance Program of the Municipality of Odemira to 2021/2025, where the participation and mobilization of citizens is constituted as a purpose, promoted based on an ecosystem for informed participation, the Territory Forum.


1th Proposal – Tractor for the Parish of Vila Nova de Milfontes (Coast), proponent: Tiago Rodrigo Nunes Sobral
2º Proposal – Refurbish the Bicos Social Center (Interior), proponent: Iglantine Maria da Lanca Nunes
3º Proposal: Happy kids, Sao Teotonio (Coast), proponent: Juliana Filipa Duarte Martins
4º Proposal: Acquisition of equipment for the Multipurpose Pavilion and Square, in Savoie (Interior), proponent: Vera Pacheco Ledo Afonso

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