Odemira: Four winning proposals for public investments of the Participatory Budget Odemira 2016.
There are four winning proposals of the Participatory Budget (ON) of Odemira 2016, presented and chosen by the people through voting and will be implemented by the municipality, no total value of 450.000,00 €.
The winning proposals are "Luzianes Active" and "Savoy Active", in the category of proposals for parishes with lower population 1.500 population, and "Rehabilitating Spaces" (Vila Nova de Milfontes) and "Arts and Crafts Center – CREATE (Center for Innovation Network of Regional Crafts, in Odemira), in the category of proposals for parishes of the coast or with a population of 1.500 population”).
The winners were announced on 12 of December, the Municipal Library José Saramago, a ceremony included in the Celebrations 40 Years of Local Democratic Power, based on the principle that public participation is a way of carrying out democracy. The ceremony also included the signing of protocols with the parish councils and social institutions for the elderly, for extraordinary monetary support.
A total of 2218 citizens, aged from 16 year old, voted OP Odemira, during the months of October and November, in 14 Public investment proposals, no maximum 125 thousand euros each, up to an overall amount of 500 thousand euros. In order to contribute to territorial cohesion, in 2016 It was introduced to affect the condition 250 thousand euros for projects promoted in the coastal parishes or with a population of 1.500 inhabitants and 250 thousand euros for projects promoted in the parishes with lower population 1.500 population.
proposal No. 21 »Savoy Active (Location: Savoy)
The proposal aims to create a place of leisure and fun with the site of the Good Neighborhood, with the placement of equipment for physical exercise for children and adults, a recreation area with shade and tables, including parking area.
proponent: Angela Martins of the Incarnation | Value: 125.000,00€.
proposal No. 1 »Luzianes Active (Location: Luzianes-Gare)
The proposal aims to build a garden in the municipal district, that include fitness equipment and playground, with arrangement of the existing mine water on site and use this water for irrigation space.
proponent: Monica Isabel da Silva Nobre | Value: 75.000,00€.
proposal No. 11 "Rehabilitating Spaces (Location: Vila Nova de Milfontes)
The proposal focuses on the rehabilitation of existing public spaces in the Parish of Vila Nova de Milfontes, namely multisport Square, the Multisport Arneiro Gregory, the baths of the Sports Club Milfontes Beach and the playground in elementary school of Vila Nova de Milfontes.
proponent: Ventura José Ramalho Crujo |Value: 125.000,00€.
proposal No. 16 »Arts and Crafts Center – CREATE (Center for Innovation Network of Regional Crafts)
The Centre aims to promote the craft product with cultural value, between tradition and innovation, by conducting events, of creative residencies and training, development of new products and partnerships for the enhancement of regional crafts in the rural tourism, cultural and ethnographic
proponent: Ines Isabel Viana | Value: 125.000,00€.