OE 2018: Learn all about IRS, lace and thawing.
The final proposal of the Government to the State Budget 2018 It was presented on Friday. O IRS, which had hitherto, five levels, now has seven, due to the unfolding of three intermediate levels, to ensure greater tax on labor income.
The first step, for lower incomes, to 7.091 gross per year (or 506 per month in the case of employed persons has 14 annual salaries) It maintains a rate of 14,5%, as well as the last, for those who earn more than 80.640 euros per year (5.760 monthly).
The second level goes up 20.261 euros, corresponding to 1.447 euros per month, a rate of 28,5% It is divided into two: one now covers those who earn up 10.700 per annum, 764 monthly, a rate of 23% and the other goes up to such 1.447 monthly, with the same 28,5%.
The current third level including gross annual salary 20.261 to 40.522 euros with a rate of 37% and it is also divided. A new ranking will of 20.261 to 25.000 annual euros (1.785 monthly) a rate of 35%. The other will this amount to 36.856 annual euros (2.632 euros per month). This income will be subject to a rate of 37%.
The next step, what pay 45% rate, It includes those who earn between these 38.656 and 80.640 euros per year.
According to the TSF, turn the IRS in seven levels ensures that most of the people will pay less: even those who are at the first step, which is not changed, sees increased the minimum of existence, which implies less tax payable.
Pensioners receive increases between six and ten euros
The Government gave the PCP asking that increases in pensions would not be lower than 10 euros. According to Business, the 10 Euro act as minimum, in other words, the annual update resulting from the application of the law in force will be strengthened to achieve that value.
In cases where the updating of pensions already results in an increase of more than 10 euros, the threshold will have no effect. So, and depending on the amount of inflation is 1,2% or 1,3% at the end of the year, a minimum based on two 10 euro should benefit pension until 588 euros or 555 Euro per month.
In deep, the proposal is to ensure higher percentage increases for those with low pensions.
Thawing rows of four phases
The timetable that was agreed provides that 25% updates occur as early as January 2018 and more 25% In September. The remaining 50% updates are scheduled for 2019, occurring 25% in May and the remaining portion in December.
According to Public, the date on which civil servants reach the full payment is equal to the Government proposed - 1 December 2019 - but, this new distribution allows both in September and in May the workers are already receiving more than in the previous proposal.
Initially it had been advanced that civil servants would receive next year a third of the value of Career Development, the remainder being paid salary increase in two times 2019.
Now, advanced to second information Express, the Government reached an agreement with the PCP and retreated so in an attempt to thaw only 33% the sum in 2018 and the remaining 67% in 2019.
Expenses of students with rental pass to enter the education expenses
The expenses that students now have to rent now have tax benefit, It is possible to deduce the IRS to collect 200 euros per year - something like 16 Euro per month.
Covered by the measure are the students up to 25 years displaced Household permanent residence since, in the house or room receipts, is clear information that the lease is for a displaced student, a maximum total value of 900 euros.
On the other hand, the student workers start paying IRS. According to the newspaper ECO, students who decide to work at the same time will begin to make a withholding 10% under the IRS.
This rate 10% IRS should also be paid by students who make short work, which include smaller services in performances and other cultural activities. Retention is made up to five times the limit value of the Social Support Indexation (IAS) - little more than the current 2.106 euros.
Beer tax goes back up (and comes the crisp)
The beers are going to pay a tax that begins in 8,34 euros per hectolitre for lower alcohol volumes and that goes up to 29,30 EUR per hl in the case of higher volumes of alcohol.
The government increases, So, the tax on beer in about 1,5%.
In the case of spirits, which includes the gin and vodka, for example, the applicable tax rate will also be increased, more of 1,4%, passing of 1.367,78 euros per hectolitre currently in force for the 1.386,93 euros per hectolitre in 2018.
Also the tax rate applicable to intermediate products, in other words, liqueur wines, increases 75,05 euros per hectolitre to 76,1 euros, an increase of 1,4%.
In turn, fermented beverages, as sparkling, They will pay a tax 10,44 euros per hectolitre, increased 1,4% face to 10,30 Euro per hectolitre for 2017.
They are subject to a new tax on food, depending on the level of salt, cookies, cookies, cereal and potato chips, "When having a salt content exceeding 1 per gram 100 g product "or 10 grams per kilo.
Each kilo of these foods will pay a rate of 0,80 cents.
historic free shops IMI
Stores with history recognized by municipalities shall be exempt from IMI and the upkeep and maintenance expenses are in 110% in the calculation of taxable income, indicates the proposal of the State Budget Law for 2018.
Are exempt from Council Tax (IMI) "Buildings or part of buildings affects the stores story, recognized by the city as establishments of historical and cultural or social interest site and that part of the national inventory of the local establishments and bodies of historical and cultural or social interest ".
This exemption was already provided a preliminary version of OE2018 proposal dated 10 October.
It will be included in the Tax Benefits (EBF) a new incentive to the autonomous fractions afetas the stores story, "Recognized by the council as historical interest establishments and cultural or social site and that part of the national inventory of institutions and entities of historical and cultural or social interest ".
Buy new car will be more expensive
Buying new car will be more expensive between 2,67 euros and 900 euros in the next year, due to the worsening of the Vehicle Tax (ISV), provided for in the state budget proposal for 2018 (OE2018).
According to the simulation of the National Association of Enterprise Trade and Auto Repair (ANECRA), the Average worsening 1,4% It is transverse to the models diesel and petrol, but it is below the rise in the previous year, it reached the 3%.
Of 25 diesel models analyzed, everyone will have an increase of 1,4% the tax on the first enrollment of a vehicle in Portugal, applied to new vehicles and imported (used or new), except for one - Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI95 - you will have a lower percentage increase, of 1,1% no ISP, which in this case is seven euros (to 637 euros).
already a Porsche Novo Panamera 4S, the worsening of the ISV will make this model costs more 500 euros next year.
In gasoline vehicles, worsening ISV varies between 1,1% and 7,6%, but most have increased 1,4%, which results in values ​​between the 2,67 euros – Renault Clio 0.9 - and 900 euros – Rolls Royce Phantom.
Health budget increases 4,4%
Through the revision of prices and reimbursement, the account executive meet 15 million. With the revision of the National System of Health Technology Assessment, revenue is expected to be nine million euros and 23 million in the area of ​​medical devices and reagents.
The cross-cutting measures in the area of ​​medicines should result in a budget of ten million euros, a extraordinary contribution of medical devices give to 24 million and enhanced fiscal monitoring and savings associated with the payment of yield debt 75 million.
As combating fraud, the government should get ten million euros in gains 2018, the same amount that was due to the state budget this year.
The level of investment in equipment and infrastructure, the Ministry of Health bet involves the "rehabilitation and equipping of health facilities (primary health care units and hospital care)"And the" launch of the Eastern Lisbon Hospital of the competition ".
Regarding Public Private Partnerships (PPP), the amounts included in the state budget for 2018 "Forecast a increased burden on the health PPP", compared to predicted values ​​for 2017. This increase is due to "particular by reviewing the production forecasts, in line with the trend that has been seen in the sector ".
To the next year, the government "provides for the continuation and deepening of the policies pursued in 2016 and 2017, in order to continue the sustained increase in responsiveness "of the National Health Service (SNS).
"It will continue to expand the network of primary health care, progressively increasing the number of Portuguese with family doctor assigned, creating new Family Health Units (USF) and promoting the development of a new type of answers, to make it possible for citizens, single-site, get the consultation and diagnostic and therapy, avoiding frequent journeys to remote and scattered units ", reads the bill.
The document states that over the next year the share of generic drugs should increase to 53%, measured in units of volume. The state budget is also marked by the creation of a tax to be applied to some foods with higher levels of salt.
Homeland Security budget increases 5,9%
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) have a increase of 116,1 million euros on the budget 2017. In addition to this value, also adds to the next year, "an endowment reinforcement to personnel expenses for the purpose of thawing careers".
Under the expenditure sub-sector State, there will be an increase of 5,4% resulting, essentially, the project budget growth (51,1%) under the Infrastructure and Equipment Program Law Forces and MAI Security Services, wherein, the activities budget, growth is 3,8%.
The sub-sector of autonomous services and funds recorded an increase of 17,6% highlighting the project budget of the National Civil Protection Authority.
"In the structure of consolidated total expenditure by economic classification is evident that 99,2% two actions, in 2018, They are absorbed by personnel costs (75,9%) and procurement of goods and services (13,3%)", indicates the proposal for a OE2018 Law.
The document said that, the distribution structure for listed measures "in the program 07 - Internal security", the measure "security forces" is the most representative, absorbing 74,5% of the total resources provided for 2018, followed by the measures "civil protection and fire fighting" and "management and regulation", that represent 10,6% and 5,4%, respectively.
For "security forces" are intended 1.642,7 million and for the "Civil protection and fire fighting" 234,8 million.
In the draft state budget for 2018 delivered on Friday evening by the Government in Parliament, executive foresees a budget deficit of 1% of Gross Domestic Product (Schedule) and economic growth 2,2% in the next year.
VAT exemption of increase falls
The increase of the VAT exemption limit aimed at self-employed without proper accounting fell in the final version of the state budget proposal for 2018 (OE 2018), despite having featured in a draft.
The proposal was aimed at "raising the turnover threshold to which the special regime of exemption applies, up to the limit 20 a thousand euros", Now this limit was ten thousand euros. If so, should remain the regime that is in place.
tax exemption for affordable rents
According to the Public, are exempt from IRS (ou IRC) and IMI landlords to put their houses in Income Affordable Program.
Under this program, the property shall be placed on the market at a price at least 20% lower than that charged on the market.
The Government also intends to foster long-term lease: landlords who rent houses to market prices for permanent lease (as opposed to renting to tourists) They benefit from a reduction to be determined the tax on that income. It is currently 28%.
With ZAP News // Lusa