Opinion (Carla Duarte / Commissioner PSP): GUN LICENSE.

To facilitate procedures to those resident or further has preferred access to non-personal services, PSP provides other forms of contact, directed and service related to the licensing of arms.

Carla Duarte

Commissioner PSP

Degree in Police Sciences and Internal Security

Head of the Center for Arms and Explosives of the PSP Lisbon

The PSP intends with its initiatives meet all requirements concerning matters of arms licenses, ammunition and explosives, so for any clarification or suggestion will suffice to use the various contacts available.

The Public Security Police (PSP) has the exclusive attribution licensing and control over the use and transportation of weapons, ammunition and explosives. Within the district of Lisbon, in virtually all municipalities where the PSP is implemented territorially, the institution provides specifically targeted customer service for this matter. These sites can be made several inquiries regarding weapons, such as order / license renewals, purchase authorizations, loans and arms transfers, among many others.

If you want to obtain / renew one's License and Gun License, It will always be necessary to substantiate and prove the need for such grant, filling out some forms and provide documentation, including medical certificate and criminal record. Can also, upon submission of the necessary documentation, Detention get a license at Home for the inherited weapons. Check out all the requirements in the tab weapons and explosives the official PSP page.

To facilitate procedures to those resident or further has preferred access to non-personal services, PSP provides other forms of contact, directed and service related to the licensing of arms. On the one hand, there is a mobile vehicle for customer service that travels to the most remote locations of the PSP answering service, enabling citizens to deal with requests relating to licensing of weapons in a privileged way, why such actions have had a lot of support and positive assessments. It is considered useful to have one of these "Stock Mobile Service" in your county, propose through the email address naexp.lisboa@psp.pt or the number 217654242.

On the other hand, PSP can now be closer to the citizen, anywhere in the world, since it is now possible to access the Internet services online by connecting https://seronline.psp.pt. this portal, You may require various types of license to use and carry firearms, ask several purchase commitments / transfer of weapons or make firearm transmission applications, among other services available. Visit the page and put your questions by email address seronline@psp.pt.

The PSP also conducts several information sessions in this area, such as those directed to hunters, intending with its initiatives meet all requirements concerning matters of arms licenses, ammunition and explosives. For any questions or suggestions, suffice use various contacts available.

Do you know that:

  • The first gun licensing records are the exclusive PSP and date of 1900!?
  • To 2006, there were licenses issued by local councils and, From this date, became an exclusive competence of the PSP!?
  • In 2016 They were made about 25 000 weapons transmissions!?

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