A Guarda Nacional Republicana, press systematically for the quality of the civil society service, It is making a strategic requirement of their daily activities. In 2012 It implemented the program called "Interlocutor Security Location" (ILS).

Roger Copeto_800x800Rogério COPETO

Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Command Doctrine and Education / Head

This action results in a continuous community policing, which will be all the more effective the greater the capacity of the GNR in establishing partnerships with the community, wrapping it in their own safety, It has therefore implemented in 2012 or program "Interlocutor Security Location" (ILS).

The ILS program had in 2012 aimed at promoting the importance of the role of citizens, and to this end collected the teachings of the best good practices on "neighborhood watch" and that can be explained as a group of civilians, trained in security matters, dedicated to the prevention of crime and vandalism in their area of ​​residence, that can not even be a neighborhood, reporting suspicious incidents to the security forces, and however they warned never to intervene in suspicious situations, should always contact the security forces.

In most developed countries there are examples of such initiatives, notably in the Units of America (USA), they may have different names such as "Neighborhood Watch Program"Or o"Community Policing & Neighborhood Watch".

In Europe we found that in the UK there are also programs "neighborhood watch" in large numbers and example "Neighbourhood Watch"Or o"Neighbourhood Watch Scotland", and in France there are also several initiatives being "Neighbors alert"Those who have higher implementation.

A European Crime Prevention Network (European Crime Prevention Network – EUCPN na symbol inglesa) organization which aims, from other, identify, share and reward best practices on crime prevention, We have identified and awarded several programs of "neighborhood watch", It is example of such initiative, or gives Denmark program called "Other Help – the new ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ in Denmark", the Estonian "Estonian Neighbourhood Watch Association (NAME)", the Finnish "Community Contact Work-project” e do Chipre “Neighborhood Police Office".

They are also studies on the topic of "neighborhood watch" can be found in the EUCPN database the study "The effects of neighbourhood watch in reducing crime", concluding that "Existing ratings, They show that the "neighborhood watch" is effective in reducing crime".

There is even one European association You will hold a conference on the theme called "European Neighbourhood Watch Association (EUNWA) conferende 2015"Em Castel Ritaldi, in Italy, between the next 22 and 24 October, revealing that this issue remains on the agenda.

In addition to the programs of "neighborhood watch" still exist in several countries, especially Anglophone programs "volunteering", and there are several in the US and Europe, being in England example the volunteer program of the Metropolitan Police of London (PML), entitled "Metropolitan Police Volunteering", allowing citizens the opportunity to support the PML, allowing to increase the contact between local communities and the police, improving the service provided to the public.

The volunteer helps with their knowledge and spare time to help make your community safer, gaining a valuable and unique experience, which are the principles of any existing volunteer program, where one of the big differences, among the programs implemented in the US and Europe, It is that US law allows volunteers to use firearms, Indeed it is not possible in European programs.

All these initiatives were born fruit of the changes that communities have suffered, becoming daily depending on the pace of globalization and the various threats and conflicts of various kinds, forcing security forces to adapt to new realities, knowing that public safety is not only responsibility of the police.

Having good practices mentioned above in mind, GNR implemented in 2012 o programa ILS, initially with obetivo to identify in local communities, potential security partners, to promote community policing, aimed at the everyday practice of attitudes conducive to active citizenship, increasing the quality of the GNR police action by strengthening community relations and fostering interaction between the GNR and the community.

The ILS will thus be a privileged member of the local community, functioning as a privileged link between the community and the GNR, presenting itself as a key instrument in the vicinity and establishing trust between the population and the GNR, contributing to the improvement of service.

The function of the ILS must be exercised by someone who knows the GNR and have skills and experience in community relations, able to promote intervention and community involvement. Yet this function should be exercised by propertied people of influence and recognition within the community, able to create dynamic interaction between communities and the GNR.

All the ILS of training work was carried out at the end of the year 2012, having been formed about 1.700 ILS, which earlier this year 2013 They were perfectly capable of ensuring the program's objectives, verifying that the overwhelming majority consisted of joint presidents, mayors, aldermen, Pastors, President and fire brigades commanders, techniques IPSS, techniques of CPCJ, Presidents clusters school, representatives of parents' associations, representatives of traders' associations, representatives of health centers, representatives of SCM and other.

Several were the Social Communication organs that gave echo of the GNR initiative, an example being the newspaper article DN 6 January 2013 with the title "GNR interlocutors way to be connecting with people"Or the report of RTP, "GNR trains to 1700 “partners” civilians to serve as a link".

Other news have yet account of the work done by ILS, despite the short time on the ground, and Viseu was possible to signal a citizen in danger through an ILS, that will GNR identified the existence of an individual who was staying, Numas ruins, in the municipality of Lamego, it having been reported by JN with the title "GNR detected man at home in ruins just ate fruit for five months".

However the ILS program raised questions to the Parliamentary Group of the Left Bloc (GPBE) with Mrs Cecilia Honorius on 10 January 2013, Exmª directed to the President of the Parliament a set of questions, sobre o ILS, to be answered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) namely: What is the assessment that the MAI has the ILS within the community policing strengthening strategies, namely, as the costs and efficiency levels? What is the objective role of ILS that were targeted training? What is the interaction frame with security forces? and; If the government could ensure there is no conflict between this program and other, including the School-Safe Program?

We do not know what was the response that the MAI provided to GPBE, However we know that the program was suspended ILS, despite being provided for the continuing formation of other ILS in subsequent years, which turned out to not be verified.

Presume that you-are near 1.700 ILS continue to contribute their knowledge and spare time to help make your community safer, making the link between the community and the GNR, verifying that the excellent results achieved under the programs "Safe School" and "Senior Security" too have benefited from the work done by ILS, It said developed countries are recognized and appreciated.

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