The company has over the last few years undergone profound transformations, reflecting the increasing speed of technological innovation, which affects our day-to-day to a relentless pursuit of efficiency in all activities developed. The ongoing challenge is to make more and better.

Roger Copeto_800x800Rogério COPETO

Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training

Changes experienced in terms of social environment and own crime has become the discerning citizen to whom it provides services, especially towards the Security Forces, ultimate guarantor of freedoms and guarantees of citizens. Recent policing standards, geared to problems and expectations of citizens, require the National Republican Guard capacity to give valid answers to new challenges. Call the citizens to take an active role in security, integrating it with the concept of Policing Close, It makes it more participatory but also more demanding.

The key seems to be so in the ability to motivate citizens to participate in the safety of all, encouraging the participation by the daily example of commitment and professionalism of each military, a clear demonstration that worth worth believing, trust and support the work of the Security Forces and Services.

The "inputs" of the local community, of which are example, the need for clarification / information and support for the elderly, clarification / information to merchants, signaling and routing homeless, monitoring of domestic violence, intervention in situations involving drug addicts and mentally ill and participation in the protection of children and young people at risk are some of the areas in which society is becoming more interventionist, demanding quality responses to a range of bodies with responsibility in this area, where the security forces naturally involved.

Specialization in GNR has elapsed not only the need to provide a quality service, but also associated with a number of government measures, they have created in recent years many "Special Programs Policing Proximity" support to particularly vulnerable populations.

The focus on providing quality service, necessarily assessed on the sense of security of the local population, undergoes a clear commitment to link to people's problems. This connection requires willingness to develop at the grassroots level of GNR, a permanent workplace diagnosis, through direct contact with local actors, guiding the activity developed by the Guard to the problems, the needs and expectations of citizens.

The Policing model Proximity based on a philosophy and organizational strategy that allowed the GNR work together with the community, in order to through this mutual support to give satisfaction to the solution of societal problems, mainly through so-called partnerships, integrated into the various programs that make up the Partnership for Security, with the objective of solving problems felt by the population.

The prevalence of preventive dimension in police action constitutes a highly dissuasive factor of deviant behavior, investing GNR in bringing about partnerships and mediations with other social actors, aimed at reducing subjective levels and local insecurity goals, and the elimination of generators outbreaks of wrongdoing.

The existing alliance between local authorities, the action-social services, the community at large and the GNR is recognized as a mechanism to combat the generating causes of deviant behavior of a criminal nature, setting an example of teamwork, which will allow the achievement of high efficiencies for all stakeholders, especially for those who are plagued by feelings of insecurity.

So the GNR under the Policing Proximity dedicated exclusively human and material resources, in achieving several of the Special Programs, still developing good practice, as exemplified by the "Project for Research and Support of Victims Specific ", a “Safe Operation Olive", O "Safe Home project", the "Project Holding Hands Generations", the "Project Guardinhas Singers” e a “Operation Census Senior", applying them to national and international awards, which has achieved excellent results, thereby ensuring the national and international recognition of the activities developed by the GNR, mostly in favor of the most vulnerable population: the children, the elderly and victims of crime.

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