We return to the subject of domestic violence (CEO), By reason of the publication last week of "Annual Report of the Domestic Violence Monitoring", for the year 2014 and the first half of 2015.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
Analyzing the criminal statistics related to RV crimes recorded by the GNR and the PSP, it appears that even 2010, the number of crimes has increased every year, this year reached the record high of 31 235 crimes, having 2011 this trend reversed (28 980), continuing to decline in 2012 (26 678), and in that 2013 increased slightly, reaching 27 318, however still far from the values 2010 and last year the GNR and PSP registered 27 317 crimes, less 1 in which 2013.
In the first half of 2015 GNR and PSP registered 12 998 crimes, verifying a decrease of 73 crimes, given that H1 2014 They were recorded 13 071 crimes, It can be conclude that the year 2015 It ends with a predictable slight decrease in RV crimes and so keep the registration RV crimes slightly above 27 000.
Another fact to consider is the number of arrests made by the GNR and the PSP since 2009 always has grown, verifying that year were held 215 people at RV crime and last year were made 618 arrests.
In addition to these indicators, many more can be learned from a reading to that report, such as it is in summer and end-of-week that more RV complaints records. As positive factor is the percentage of children who attend VD situations, which has declined in recent years.
The Report confirms that it is the GNR and PSP almost always the first entity to whom it is reported the VD situations, which usually involves repeated episodes of violence and in many cases resulting in serious injury to the victim or even his death.
They are also the one who more victims turn for support, which entails increased responsibilities under the prevention of revictimization, namely at the level of the first line of intervention.
So the GNR and PSP could now appeal, from 1 November 2014, a tool for measuring the risk of quickly and conveniently, in order to understand what level of risk associated with the victim, which may be high, and medium or low in accordance with that level of risk, They are executed several security measures, given that relevant to analysis of the report's findings.
This instrument called VD Risk Assessment (RVD), requires independent risk level, We should always be prepared a Security Plan with the victim as well as being informed of the remedies / victim support answers, the award of the standing of victims and be informed of the contacts of the GNR or PSP closest to your residence.
As part of risk assessment GNR and PSP must also provide for the seizure of weapons, if any, and establish regular contact with the victim, in person or by phone, and accompany her when requested, the places you have to go (ex: tribunal, social Security, hospital, etc.), until a coercive measure is applied to the aggressor / a (Preventive arrest or Electronics Surveillance) or teleassistência to VÃtima, through the Telecare Service to Victims of Domestic Violence, already discussed in a previous article here.
If the risk level is high, in addition to the above measures, and if the offender / a has not been arrested in flagrante delicto or out of flagrante delicto, after we checked whether they were meeting the conditions for their detention outside of flagrante delicto, the possibility of the victim should be considered to depart from the offender / a, using for example a home-shelter, family room / friend / colleague you trust in the early days, propose to the prosecutor to be applied to the offender / the removal of the victim's residence and / or prohibition of contacts with the same and application of tele-assistance measure to the victim.
As it is known VD is criminal phenomena in our society, It has had more visibility, and the worst reasons. Not because it is a new reality, but, essentially, to present new contours, if only, the increased awareness of their existence and worthlessness that is to human dignity.
That is why, the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (SGMAI) in partnership with the GNR and PSP will be held on 17 and 18 November, one conference on the topic "Domestic violence ... still Paths To-Go?", open to the public and that includes the participation of several national and international experts, to discuss possible strategies to combat domestic violence.
All institutions that fight against VD aim to increase public awareness of the need to report this type of crime, so it is essential to continue with the population's awareness campaigns for the phenomenon of VD, that being public crime, the complaint is mandatory for anyone who has knowledge, and that only his complaint is possible to investigate and punish the perpetrators.