Opinion of Rogério COPETO (Oficial da GNR): THE VIOLENCE OF CHILDREN.
“The Children of Violence”, a picture across the domestic violence that has killed, according to a report Territorial Command Lisbon GNR, 40 and women who left orphaned 122 children.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR, Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
Last week there were several media (CM, JN, DN, Saturday, Public and Express), who gave voice to a report by the Territorial Command Lisbon, on the activity of its Research Center and Support for Victims Specific (NIAVE) and I realized that this year have died 40 women victims of domestic violence crime (CEO), leaving 122 orphans.
To get an idea of ​​the number of children who are victims of RV each year, We can start by telling us "Annual Report of the Domestic Violence Monitoring" (already been mentioned in the last article), whereby, next to 10 380 children, attended RV situations 2014, corresponding to 38% of all occurrences recorded by the security forces last year, who came to 27 317 crimes. Fortunately this number has decreased since 2012, when they were 11 204 children who witnessed VD situations.
Apart from these children who watch violent situations, It needs to add all those that fall within the "System Protection of Children and Young People in Danger", often victims of neglect by their parents or when, not infrequently, victims of crime, hows the mistreatment or sexual abuse, and in all these situations it is almost always necessary to promote the removal of these children to their parents, having niave GNR Lisbon, retired 15 children for abuse (do news CM), since January 2015.
And to know how many children were victims of neglect or violence, we have to resort to "Assessment Report of Activity of the Protection of Children and Young People Committee – 2014", which states that in the year 2014, Children and Youth Protection Commissions followed in Danger 73 019 children.
For the aforementioned, easily concluded that every year, tens of thousands of children are victims of violence, often coming from those who have the duty to protect them, your parents, or indirectly, within the right ventricle, or directly as several shortcomings victims, maltreatment or sexual abuse, leaving consequences for the rest of their lives.
But this article is not intended to state the traumatic consequences for all children, more than evident, who are the victims of psychological violence, when attending to his own father, assaulting his mother or even to kill her, or when they are victims of physical violence, by being themselves beaten by their parents, but rather to present the responsibilities of GNR in the protection of all children who are "Children of Violence", in particular referring to the work of niave.
The now called niave were created in 2004, as a result of the need that GNR had to adapt and modernize, to respond with quality to the phenomenon of domestic violence (CEO), having the military of niave specific and necessary training for the proper treatment of issues related to women, minors, the elderly and the disabled as victims.
The niave are especially geared towards prevention, monitoring and investigation of cases of violence against women, children and the elderly, in the context of domestic violence and other crimes committed in the family environment or ill-treatment.
In the prevention of the phenomenon of VD and ill-treatment, GNR through niave performs on its own or in partnership with other entities, several awareness-raising, whether directed to the school community (students, parents, teachers, assistants and carers), under the "Safe School Program", either for the elderly under the "Elderly Program in Safety", or even directed to the staff working with victims of DV.
Also the result of their territorial dispersion, his knowledge of people and places and the recognition of their action in terms of support for DV victims, GNR integrates numerous local level partnerships and national, highlighting the importance of partnerships with the Offices of Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence (GAV) existing in all districts, where the GNR is constituted as an indispensable partner.
In addition to the military of niave, also all the military of the 1st line have training and expertise to intervene in situations VD, particularly when there are children, obtained under the training project "Look common on Children – Appointment (with)sense", the responsibility of the National Children and Youth at Risk Protection Commission (now called the National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and Child and Youth Protection – CNPDPCJ), which aimed to standardize the procedures carried out by security forces, as the intervention in situations of children and youth at risk, still providing all military of the GNR "Guidance for the professionals of the security forces in Bad Situations Approach Abuse or Other Risk Situations", also prepared by CNPDPCJ.
Still within the support guides the operational activity with regard to intervention in situations VD, It was prepared in 2013 O "Handbook for – Evaluation and Network Risk Management", coordinated by the Association of Women Against Violence (AMCV), intended for all professionals, which include the PSP and the military of the GNR.
So, all military GNR involved in situations of violence involving children know that it is critical that all its intervention aimed at the "best interests of the child", seeking to ensure their well-being and quality of life, to minimize the traumatic effects to all "Violence Children".