Opinion (José Lúcio / Columnist): Court of Beja, year 2018.
At the time of account, there is no escaping the numbers. And really should only fear the numbers who have bad accounts to give. It is certainly the case of the Judicial Court of the District of Beja.
Columnist Lidador News
Past that was the year 2018, which the work possible for the procedural motion checked in Court? Let's accounts.
First and foremost, to make clear that the Judicial Court of Beja County is a legal reality that has its initial moment 1 September 2014, when it entered into force the new judicial reform.
Since, The court, new unitary reality, works organized in nine cores: the core Beja, which includes the Central Civil Court and Criminal, Central Labor Court, the Central Court of Family and Minors, the Local Civil Court and the Criminal Court Location, the nuclei of Almodovar, Cuba, Ferreira do Alentejo, Moura, Odemira, Ourique and Serpa, corresponding to the respective Courts of General Jurisdiction Sites, and the core Mértola, coinciding with its judgment Proximity.
On the whole the Court has at its service 17 judges, in addition to the Chief Justice, and 14 Prosecutors, beyond the respective Magistrate Coordinator.
With regard to bailiffs and other officials, They were counted at the end of 2018 seventy-nine bailiffs, two administrative employees, and two computer technicians who provided support services.
This effectively represents a marked deficit in relation to what would result from the official framework filling (103 bailiffs, 2 computer technicians and 4 employees under the general scheme), deficit which continues to be the most significant in national terms.
The Court's budget for the year 2018 It had the initial allocation of 273.298,00 (two hundred and seventy-three thousand two hundred ninety-eight euros), It was subsequently corrected for 292.720,36 (two hundred ninety-two thousand seven hundred and twenty euros and thirty six cents), which is the amount actually charged in the year in question.
And what was then the quantitative expression of the procedural activity of the Court in the year in question?
In brief summary, it appears that at the beginning of the year 2018 the official statistics indicated a global pending 7.835 processes for decision and at the end of the period indicated only one pending 6923 processes in these conditions. There was therefore a decline in the space of a year is equivalent to less 11,64% (eleven point sixty-four percent) Initial pending.
For such a result was necessary for the annual reporting period had the final decision in all 8028 (eight thousand and twenty-eight) processes.
Come purpose add that the numbers 2018 They are situated in perfect continuity with the trend of previous years: from 1 September 2014, start-up date of the new Court, to 31 December 2018 the pending fell from 14.403 processes to 6922, for this findado during this time total of one 37.951 (thirty-seven thousand nine hundred fifty-one) processes.
Low accumulated procedural pending in the period 1 September 2014 a 31 December 2018 therefore reaches 51,94 % (fifty-one point ninety-four percent). In other words, we now have less than half of the cases to the decision that existed at the initial moment.
Nothing bad, if you are allowed a comment. Who kept doubts about the virtues of the model introduced by the judicial reform 2014 would now certainly very difficult to counter these results.
If you want to add another very significant number of the Court's activity in the year 2018 we can say that during the year have been formally referred to the total file 10.433 (ten thousand four hundred thirty-three) processes, and they were removed, because they are the legal conditions for both, a total of 6454 (six thousand four hundred fifty-four) processes, from various areas.
This reality of procedural motion, it being understood that in the process translates the essential purpose of the activity of a court.
However, other highlights do matter when it comes in the life of the Judicial Court of Beja County last year 2018.
Above all else, the remarkable event the highlight was obviously the installation from 1 September 2018 of the Courts of Family and Children and Labor in temporary modules located in the city of Beja, putting final term in the relocation of Judgment of Family and Children in Ferreira do Alentejo and Labor Judgment stay in decrepit facilities that occupied part of the former Civil Government building.
This change, strongly demanded since the beginning of the new judicial district operation, naturally it represented a satisfaction for all the agents of Justice and the user audience and also to renew the hope of building the promised Courthouse, that would alleviate congestion of the current Palace of Justice, notoriously saturated. That temporary does not become permanent.
But about that we have to wait for the next episode. For a while, let's work with what we have.
And the year 2019 can be better, are the votes that no one will fail to follow.
(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)