Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): The skirt Rafael.

Past that was another election period, a prudent and wise friend told me he had been unable to vote. Is that, he said, I know one or the, and therefore I can not vote for them, and others already know them, and therefore I can not vote for them.

José Lúcio


I admire the attitude and wisdom of my friend, the high sense of civic responsibility that makes you respect so your vote, preventing it from the deposit at the polls lightly (as many still did).

I believe that in this way is found the explanation for so much abstention and null votes, that make them together the broad majority bloc in Portuguese society. Indeed, and in this order of ideas, the root of the problem is in the scruples and appreciation to the Portuguese common approach their vote. So, nuns can not vote because nobody knows them and others are not able to vote because everybody knows.

I do not know is how to find a way out of this impasse, but I also recognize that this is not a matter of my portfolio. I speak only as a spectator, although interested spectator in the wonderful spectacle of the world.

And the world does not cease to give us reason to wonder. I suspect that a foreign gas, any substance undetectable spread through the atmosphere and broke all, spreading everywhere a wave of insanity and madness. That good simple and humble sense that once was associated with the average citizen, enshrined in the legal literature in the figure bonus pater familias, It seems to have disappeared in contemporary societies, or else lurks ashamed before the triumph of nonsense.

Note the installed confusion in our oldest ally. Or there will be no way out of the United Kingdom of the European Union? Nobody knows. Does anyone realize what they want the English? I think that they do not know themselves. I suspect that want to get out and stay.

See the news only here from neighboring Spain. A government beset by institutional obligation, that can not escape, to contend with a breakaway offensive, remembered offset their losses among sectors dissatisfied by this route launching in parallel a noisy campaign funeral .... As if hit dead ever stayed well to someone, how to dig up corpses and summon ghosts could ever be a respectable political program.

But let this scavenger eagerness moved by calculismos the lowest policy. Prodigious is noted here by the wonder that Catalan nationalism produces many who burn with anger at the slightest manifestation of Portuguese nationalism. Strictly speaking the phenomenon is not new; Portugal always made more successful exotic nationalisms, were Catalonia, Vietnam or Africa, than any nationalism itself, invariably looked strangely and contempt.

However, now the trend reaches particular expression and intensity. It is intended to fix all collective past, retroactively criminalized. Want to institutionalize this condemnation enshrining it in the education system and in various cultural events. Notice is already the attack on the flag, which is imperialistic and supremacist, and the national anthem, it is bellicose and xenophobic. But the fascination remains simultaneously before the other nationalisms, often petty and tribalistas, when not openly racist, and ecstasy before other flags and anthems.

Do not ask me to explain, because I will not be able. Limito-me to watch, perplexed, as a passenger in a land that follows with the look a train in progress that can not glimpse the destination.

And I just now here, already blurted more than would advise conveniences. Patience, and forgive any excess.

Some have to ask yourself-at this time why strange reason this was written entitled "The Rafael skirt", in no time talking on the famous skirt. It is true, and I declare formally that never had the intention to speak in such. The skirt has served me here for the same that served to him. If some readers came over to her account, It was worth it.

(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)

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