Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): The visibility of Justice.

Vive is currently a historical moment that Justice has taken on a role and a projection in the public space that would not be imaginable there is still relatively little time.

José Lúcio

(Judge President of Beja County)

We think in the case of Italy, Brazil or Spain, but also in Portugal and already now in discussions that run in other locations (Poland or Turkey, Hungary or Germany, Egypt or Venezuela).

It must be said at the outset that the phenomenon is clearly not a sign of health of societies in which it develops.

On the contrary, seems clearly to be associated with political systems unresponsiveness in question address the problems faced by, from corruption to institutional blockages of various kinds.

we witnessed so, frequently, the transfer of movements, where political conflict goes on to develop within the institutions of the judiciary and through the mechanisms originally designed specifically for legal matters.

It is not good to happen. The separation of powers has in its origin and justification, implicitly or explicitly, also a basic functional separation. Political and judicial functions coexist but should not mingle, under both perversion sentence.

It remains however that we have before us: crises plaguing contemporary societies meant that they are confronted with disability and weaknesses of their political systems and it follows a growing trend towards the use of the judiciary and consequently a new visibility for Justice.

This, in turn, evil lives with this increased visibility. Justice has never been accustomed to media lights, and many of its agents are allowed to disturb with this degree of exposure.

Some, It says, yield to wonder - and forget the momentary and fleeting opportunity to rival Ronaldo or Madonna is not compatible with its intended purpose and in the end will this impaired.

Others live with discomfort and inconvenience suffered this new reality. The ingrained habit of discreet anonymity in which we live always makes it difficult to adapt to this continuous jolt of the spotlight and the subsequent monitoring of the steps, gestures, words and actions.

It must be said that that which has no remedy is remedied. And in this society in which we all have to live and live, marked by the era of communication and the obsessive search of information, although useless, institutions and people will have to find the necessary balance and proceed with serenity its way, in the exercise of functions that each compete.

Especially because there are certainly other ways in which the increased visibility has to be considered positively. The deletion in the judicial institutions were accustomed to meet routinely with their obligations powerfully contributed to its gradual reduction in the eyes of the society in which they are located, in comparison with other powers which by nature have departing notoriety and media attention upper immeasurably.

Now the highly mediated society that characterizes our time is really true that what does not appear forgets, and the average citizen has the instinctive tendency to devalue what stay out of their circle of references. The courts are hardly felt as sovereign body by a population that every time receives avalanches of information on the life of state bodies ... but nothing about the courts. logically, the term and the concept sovereign body become associated only with other.

Ignorance can also kill. Therefore we have actively advocated the need this visibility we call positive. In our sphere of action, modest course (we talk about a ignoto province court) we have pursued a proactive communication strategy and thus sought to ensure the existence of channels of communication with the population we serve, so that everyone knows that we exist, work, we serve, we are here. For this we have had the invaluable collaboration of the regional media and local media, were awakened to the relevance of judicial activity.

I think the balance is undeniably positive. Our citizens know us better, was implemented familiarization with the theme of the courts and justice that even a few years ago was unthinkable. I believe also enjoy the most. But, Even if that does not happen, those who remain critical in this way offer a new opportunity for dialogue, that our traditional muteness certainly did not provide. It is no longer just.

(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)

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