Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): Caught climate.
There are formulas that have the power to muster the general accession precisely because they are so meaningless empty and it is not possible to give them a specific meaning. This is the case of the tired theme of the fight against climate change.
The weather is constantly changing, and always was modified over time, and varies from season to season and from place to place, It is something indisputable. There was seasonable and cooler, Rainier cycles, and drier, and it accompanies humanity since the world began. That changes are due to one factor or another, or a plurality of them, it is already more difficult to say, and at that point even the experts understand each.
However, can not effectively argue that the climate undergoes changes and that these changes have affected and greatly affect the lives of people. well different thing is to give these changes a hopelessly negative connotation. Sometimes the weather changed for the worse and other changed for the better. It depends on the views, and just ask throughout history to confirm that this was. Be in the Sahara desert or the New Earth, or any of the globe where the situate, changes occurred that changed the lives of people. Sometimes filling sand where once flourished wheat fields, other ice covering the ground where once
vineyards flourished. The changes do not occur in one way. There are regions that today have moderate climates and favorable to life and other times where it was impossible to live.
Moreover, in these times when so successful is the imperative of tackling climate change, it costs to note that in many places the people if they could send these things certainly would want to change the climate that nature offers them, making it more to your liking. Unfortunately not yet found the means, but there is hope that there will come.
here arrivals, ask if: which means fighting climate change? Striving for the climate to remain unchanged, static forever? And how do we do for the ban to evolve and change? What is meant by fighting? It implies just pray a lot, or planting many trees and recycle plastic, or also go to blow around, not know who? I confess that for me the concrete meaning of "combating climate change" is a profound mystery.
I look up with some amusement that the expression fight against climate change has emerged as a kind of substitute for another that though disgraced. Originally it was global warming, and all
We should fight against global warming. It was useless to try to argue that no one is sure about the influence of man in these climate issues, and that science continues to study intrigued this problem and the factors that determine it. The ethical imperative was, forcibly, the fight against global warming.
He succeeded but that came in vast regions of the world some of the most rigorous winters on record, and even Mr.. Trump beyond the confines of an America shivering and crushed by the snowfall came to mess with
the global warming enthusiasts venting that by now longed for for a bit of "global warming". Of course the fanatics did not appreciate the graçola, and have not changed anything substantial in their
convictions, but to meet the anecdotes decided to introduce a renewal in semantics. Suddenly ceased to speak of global warming and the mandatory terminology began to translate the imperative combat
against climate change. These, at least, nobody can deny that there are.
Of course, beyond the buzzword remains the problem of knowing what it means. But this is a detail that does not matter to militants. What matters is to have a slogan, and is mobilizing as needed.
(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)