Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): Citizens and courts: promoting proximity.
Were recently released by State agencies responsible, as provided by law, the strategic objectives for the area of justice defined and undertaken jointly by the Supreme Judicial Council, by the Attorney General's Office and the Ministry of Justice for the period 2019-2021.
Looking at the document with the attention that obviously justified (are the fundamental guidelines that the signatory entities following undertake in this period) easily recognize a concern for continuity and deepening of the reforms since 2014 They have come to be implemented in the judicial system.
Going through the text, and trying not to be exhaustive, noteworthy besides the intention of promoting access to justice and the right, increase proximity to citizens, increase transparency in the administration of justice, develop initiatives to improve the knowledge of citizens about the justice system, develop external communication to society and the media, promote simplification and clarity of the language of communications and decisions.
Not entering the field of other equally important goals and I think that consensus (v. g. boost the decision within a reasonable time, improve the time resolution of the processes, reduce procedural disputes, finish the materialization processes, etc. etc.) I would especially emphasize this strategic direction to promote the proximity between the courts and citizens.
In fact, is this vector of action which explains the regular presence of the Judicial Court Beja District Court has sought to keep the media in your region. Approaching the administration of justice of the activity of citizens to whom it is addressed. It is also in this context that lies this article, of course.
The programmatic intention to foster closeness between justice and citizens from the beginning been among the priorities assumed by the Court's management of Beja County, and in particular by the Judge President.
Even well before the inauguration these functions, work then produced, He stressed "the crucial importance of effective communication of Justice with a view to achieving, to the extent that it is in and to show possible, the core objectives of creating and maintaining a healthy relationship of trust between the Portuguese society and its judicial institutions. "
He added that "the communication of Justice, of the desired quality, can contribute decisively to improve the indicators of confidence in justice, and the implementation of a true culture of law and the Law, through a permanent fight against misinformation and ignorance. "
Already stressed "the key role that the President of the District may take the institutionalization of best practices in communicating Justice, especially considering the central position that the post conferred on the collection and analysis of information relevant to the assessment of the business and the objectives achieved by the justice administration bodies and in external representation of the court. "
To conclude that "this table, means the importance we attach to this educational function, to effect particularly through their external representation of jurisdiction of the Court by the President of the District, and specifically through the implementation of good communication practices of justice. "
I emphatically proclaimed in that writing (December 2013) that "this pedagogical aspect, pedagogy of the Law and the Law, I have it as a strand of greater relevance of the office of District President of exercise. "
E prosseguia explicando que “afigura-se desejável e exequível que no exercício das suas funções de representação externa os presidentes das novas Comarcas assegurem eficazmente essa tarefa de comunicadores da Justiça, within its area of operation. "
"Thus, who are willing resolutely to be the visible face of justice in the community they serve, and the known and available interlocutor of all subjects present in the multiple relationships established in the administration of justice concrete by the various units in this action develops. "
"This external representation function requires the development and maintenance of communication channels open to various institutions that frame the social fabric in the area concerned, in particular with the various Courts of action of adjuvants entities, and others, including local authorities and representative institutions of civil society. "
“E, By identity or most reasons to, is the creation and maintenance of a network of contacts with relevant media in the medium in question, to ensure an effective presence and active role in the production of informative content that deal with the activity and the realities of administration of justice. "
"It has to be understood as normal for the President of the District's a constant presence and a frequent speaker in the case of matters relating to the judicial forum, particularly those linked to the administration of justice. "
After five and a half years on the exposure of these guidelines, please note that the superior documents drawn up to establish the essential guidelines to continue the course of justice emerges precisely highlighted the desire to foster proximity to citizens.
I have spared me in pursuit of this objective. Either through the press means available, either through social networks, is a daily presence marked by availability and attention, I believe I have served this aim of bringing justice and citizens.
The results are undeniably positive. I firmly believe that that will be recognized by those who want to look into it seriously about the recent evolution of knowledge and the relationship of citizens of the Beja district with its judicial institutions.
(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)