Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): Rights and duties.

We witness in our time a new phenomenon, that could be called rights of inflation - hyperinflation or, as used to say when itself wildly fires.

José Lúcio

(Judge President of Beja County)

The most given observer meditation obviously foreign to historical novelty. Other relevant part of education eras passed the stress of the duties of each. And even now all agree that the normality of things between rights and duties have to be a certain correspondence, some balance.

However, rights were taking all role, such that it would not have limits, while the duties are gone erasing the speeches - all in a flutter rights frenzy, complain that the purpose and nonsense, and no one seems to feel that is also linked to duties.

Soon there is a danger that it is a scandal to remember, if only timidly and fear, people also have duties.

I suppose this confusion contributes largely to many discontents and revolts. The crowd actually convinced themselves that only has rights, and individuals have developed a special sensitivity to all that record their duties.

Institutions like the courts, or generically the administration of Justice, in the first row are inevitably targets such discontent. from logo, its simple evocation reminds the existence of standards, recalls constraints, and the new mentality not like these realities.

After, the constant effort to gross rights can never be enough to please those who understand that always has more, and is inevitable displeasure reason for anyone to be called to account for their duties.

Thus the courts are in the uncomfortable situation of displeasing everyone. Some because they wanted more, others because they wanted less - and all leave unhappy experience.

And yet, however, however ... more than ever the Courts, and the justice administration apparatus (and the law itself!), They are indispensable to the health of contemporary societies.

The so often spoken of crisis Justice has more to do with the trend anomie of contemporary man than with an internal factor.

Men are more likely than addiction virtue. They have always been, and the time has not changed anything substantial. If we consider what has the most, our contemporaries are certainly more civilized than their primitive ancestors, they had no television and were unaware of the Internet. However, stripped of everything they have foreign, remain the same - in the caves or on Wall Street, a man is a man.

I think that's why, for being so easy to slip into the evil paths than rise in uprightness, that human societies were born shortly structured rules of conduct, and that these rules had to be protected by mechanisms that try to ensure their effectiveness. The ideal alevantados are heroes; but all need to be reminded of the basics, what distinguishes the said companies from any jungle.

The courts are there, as a permanent reminder that there are rules and a human society can not live without them.

(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)

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