Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): In purgatory ideas.

We know that Christ himself did not please everyone. It appears that not even Professor Marcelo manages this miracle. So do not bother me any disagreements with the reflections that will occasionally publishing. There is always someone who thinks differently, and face the fact that with resignation.

José Lúcio


I do not deny however that I am sensitive to applause. That feeling comforting to find others who think like us, the taste to discover that in this universe out others converge in the same intuitions, or they share the same beliefs, It makes us feel that after all it might be worth sharing.

The impression is stronger and more intense because I'm used to being alone. I am a misaligned by nature. I lived all his life in the minority. I do not remember ever having met me between winning factions. Never won a vote was not with those who won elections. logically, with my aim to rank among losers, when I feel the warmth of a membership or support the surprise is real and has a very special flavor.

Serve these considerations to warrant a sincere thanks to those who patiently go reading what I write and occasionally have the sympathy of externalizing their agreement. Thank you all, and this sudden fraternity awakened by convergent thinking can widen and deepen.

The times go confused, and common ideas seem unable to provide them some order, It is something I have for granted. It is understood that it be if we observe that the ideological instruments that generally still looking face contemporary reality correspond to ideologies born and developed in the nineteenth century, for a world that no longer exists. It is said that ideologies are sets of ideas that have long ceased to be thought, but the current situation exaggerates the anachronism.

No wonder why so often the dominant discourses in the public space are heard with apathy and indifference, as empty and meaningless. Match doctrinal buildings that collapsed, which were not replaced by others that could sort the chaos. You can not walk in the twenty-first century with the theoretical tools of two hundred years ago, transformed into religious type monomanias.

News everywhere give us account of riots, of discontent explosions. It is easy to note that not all have the same causes, but it is also undeniable that there have been cases where it can not speak of poverty and misery or tyranny and repression. They are movements that can not resort to these classic explanations. There is a malaise and diffuse unrest in contemporary societies, and that includes those most advantaged in terms of material comfort. Ours.

In fact, as reasoned days ago an illustrious colleague, we witness in our world to the progressive elimination of evaluative foundations on which was based the society over centuries of civilization. There was a system of values ​​and well-defined practices and consensually accepted rules between communities addressed. Now a new cultural model seems to override the traditional, but unable to create an alternative. Without achieving erect a regulatory system, why exactly it is characterized by hostility to the rule. There is no place to values ​​when it proclaims that only worth what each take as value.

The path of subjectivism, relativism, of each is to know, the "is forbidden to forbid", can not reach any regulatory stability. The individual overrides the collective, and this path there is no place rules. Nothing more common today than stumble every step in the argument of "I do know", "I'm the boss of me and nobody has anything to do with it", and of course that to have this for granted is not feasible the application of any external command.

These form, It says, it is not even possible to Law. this presupposes, I judge it to be general understanding, the possibility of an order that does not get in the recipient's availability.

The now widespread attitudes brought to mind a story that told me a few decades ago (I was in Torres Novas), and that, as often happens, I do not know if there is any truth in. She said that there was in Porto de Mos a picturesque character who had the invariable habit of answering the questions in verse placed upon it. Now once it fell to him to answer in court, for some reason that was not on the story, and at the end of trial, when the judge read the sentence to him and asked him if he wanted to say more, logo readily declaimed: "If everyone knows you / and God knows us / because I condemn you / Porto de Mos judge?"

The doctrine is understandable, and adapts perfectly to the winds that flow. There is no standard on Earth that can legitimately impose to the individual.

However, human societies can not exist without standards. The general and abstract standard, that all comes as equals and for all establish the same estatuição, It is the vital tool for integration. Anomie is leading to discrimination and arbitrariness. In society in general or in any sports team.

(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)

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