Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): Serve Justice, today and always.
As with the other agents of the State, the judges to take office take a formal commitment to faithfully fulfill the duties entrusted to them, in line with what arises from the Constitution and the Law.
(n.d.r.: Article No.. 50)
In the case of the judges this commitment is of a special significance. Indeed, judges are holders of sovereignty organs, The court, as such is planned next to the other in our constitutional order. In this sovereignty body shall manage the Justice, on behalf of the people. so are the judges who should administer justice, on behalf of the people, and for this and so are the holders of sovereignty organs.
Obviously, the sovereign is the people and not judges. And sovereign body is the Court, not judges. It is for the people, and his service, there are Courts and Judges. This concept of public service must always be present and be affirmed and reaffirmed, especially at this time that often mocks the ideals and values, or take them as mere literary fictions, good in books and movies but lacking in real life.
many judges, one time or another, but especially in the beginning, They were tempted by the illusion that chose a profession that can be viewed as any other. Inevitably, reflection and experience quickly deny the misunderstanding. Be a judge will never be a profession like any other, and not even a public office like any other.
Converge in this condition and characteristics specific and unique requirements, which require to be judge, necessarily, the integer part and full-time. It's not something you do by half.
Remember that judges are among us the only sovereign body holders who are not elected by popular vote, direct or indirect. Their political legitimacy is done so by other means, that is pointed precisely in reference to the Constitution and the law contained in its solemn commitment.
Its legitimacy is made, so, the exercise of the functions entrusted to them - the way, authentically, make justice, and how this exercise is recognized by the community.
It should be noted that if the independence of electoral favors or ephemeral majorities is an essential mark of the status of judges it does not prevent the scrutiny is done, and on its activities falling within the views and demands of the public.
All right so be it. If it is for them to administer justice on behalf of the people, it's just that the people calls them to account this administration.
Justice is an essential commodity, and people complain Justice, even in times of crisis than in normal times.
We all need to be aware that the judges and other justice officials focus public attention, and that what they do or do not do will also be judged, inevitably less defense formalities and guarantees than those who are accustomed to consider.
These certainties always tried to transmit them over the years for exercising the office of Chief Justice of Beja County, to all who in one way or another part of this organic reality and to those outside observe what is going.
I tried for example, the permanence, through patience, the closeness, the attendance and attention, infect this state of mind and achieve the active involvement of all in this common task. This guidance seemed to me and it seems to me that most accords with the position, tailored specifically for the management and representation of the Court.
And I will continue, humbly but firmly, to insist on message: we are all the Beja District Court, judges and employees, and regardless of the function that fits us lies all of us a duty to contribute our best effort to be fully assured that the tasks entrusted legally in.
Each doing its competence in joint venture, we can certainly aspire to be successful in achieving the overall objectives to be achieved, that translate into more and better justice for the people of the Beja County.
(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)