Opinion (José Lúcio / Judge): Courts of Beja in changes.
Everything is preparing for this September approaching the Courts of Labor and Family Court and Judicial Minor of Beja County begin functioning in new home: provisional modules placed along the Salgueiro Maia Avenue, in the city of Beja.
(Judge President of Beja County)
It will be a temporary residence, yet a new home and a major change. One can not predict with certainty when the new premises of the Palace of Justice announced Beja will be ready, and even there the departments concerned, the Labor Court and the Court of Family and Minors, They will have to work in this new location.
It is recalled that the government's commitment to the new Palace of Justice will necessarily have to even go through the stages of tendering and construction, and all this, even at the best, obviously implies the delay of several years before the inauguration of the new building.
If the current expectation of the Government is that the work can proceed in mid 2019, surely we have to count on another three to four years after that to finish and equip the work of this scope. Only then you can proceed with the desired facility in the same location of said Labor Courts and the Family and Minors, and the Local Civil Court of Beja and the Administrative and Fiscal Court.
However, we must rely, forcibly, With this solution precarious: provisional modules Salgueiro Maia Avenue, for three or four years.
However, as I wrote more ago, it is a major change, that is necessary to recognize the amount due.
To understand just remember that until now, and since its inception in the summer of 2014, Judgment of Family and Children have always worked in Ferreira do Alentejo, because there is no space for its operation in Beja. There are now four years of relocation, in clear contravention of the centrality Beja presents the geographical coverage.
The bejenses they needed to resort to this judgment (for example., to be divorciarem, to regulate issues of parenting, etc. ) would necessarily have to go to Ferreira do Alentejo, situation that now will end.
And much greater symbolic value can be attributed to the Labor Court of change, to evoke the history and context.
This judgment always worked, as we know, in the city of Beja. Tell yourself, moreover, that since the institutionalization of labor law in Portugal its services in Beja not known other facilities that were not those which are still.
However, This was always an interim solution, the use of an old Civil Government building corner, where patent was the complete absence of the essential requirements normally associated to a court.
And this sin that came of origin came to add also the degradation brought by time, further accentuating the overall inadequacy of those facilities to the function to which they were intended.
It has become routine for all successive governments recognize the indignity of the situation, given the lack of all, from a simple bathroom to the lack of spaces for public or disabled access, or the absence of medical examination room, or the lack of a courtroom where they could record the test without interference from trucks passing by on the avenue.
The manifest unsoundness, with the characteristic moisture and musty smell, They completed the picture.
despite all this, the situation remained decades on end, to this day. Already will not be small change sign this transfer now underway, that has received the active involvement of the Financial Management Institute and Equipment Justice and the Directorate General for Justice Administration.
(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)