Opinion (Luis Elias / Superintendent PSP): The Role of PSP on Preventing and Combating Violence in Sports.

Violence associated with sport has been increasing attention of international organizations, governments, the media and public opinion.

Luis Elias

Superintendent of PSP

PhD in Political Science and a degree in Police Sciences and Homeland Security

Prime Minister's Security Advisor

Takes on a dimension and disturbing contours in many states, a fact that has led to a growing international and inter-institutional cooperation, as this criminal phenomenology requires a transdisciplinary approach to justice areas, internal security, sports, education, Social Security, of health, as well as synergies between the public and private sectors and between the various relevant actors in the "world of football".

The biggest sporting event held today in Portugal (of Euro 2004) It was decisive in the recent evolution of security at major events. Motivated profound legislative changes in our country, a change of philosophy hitherto existing management security of sports events, making it the most state regulatory and supervisory and less performer, transferring to private (League Clubs, Portuguese Football Federation, the Corporations Sports (SAD) and Clubs) executive responsibility for the organization of competitions, including security.

More than thirteen years after the tournament, the lessons and influences resulting from the Portuguese organization of Euro 2004 It is well documented, making this event a reference to which the security vector (the safety and security aspects), the welcome and hospitality (service) National had a decisive contribution. Salome Marivoet said that "policing the PSP in Euro was marked by a civil law action, seeking to identify the protagonists of the acts, focusing also on public information through the media outlets as a way of dialogue and transparency of its action (...)" (Marivoet, 2006: 115).

The model of the PSP Safety Management in major events went to obey the principles of permanent flexibility, strong visibility, Low overt (It is only a high level of strength and overt means and resources through a rigorous assessment of the threat and risk). He went further to rely on the principles of high mobility, high levels of tolerance, an informed and selective intervention, undergraduate and adequacy of the police intervention the situation and identified by management responsiveness to incidents. still it consists of an integrated model between the safety aspects (security officers, civil protection, medical emergency and private security) e security (police), verifying today in major sports complexes in Portugal an increasingly effective cooperation between these strands.

The PSP has a repository of experience acquired in highly complex events (Expo 98, Euro 2004, UEFA Cup final in 2005, Portuguese Presidency of U.E. in 2007, NATO summit in 2010, Visit of Pope Benedict XVI 2010, Champions League Final in 2014, in qualifiers and group stage of the Champions League and UEFA Europa League, security Web Summit 2016 and 2017).

The PSP provides the National Football Information Point (PNIF), which, It was created by Council Decision 2002/348 / JHA (Amended by Council Decision 12 June 2007 * 2007/412/JAI), of 25 April establishing the creation of national contact points for exchange of police information on football (PNIF). The network of NFIP, currently existing, It consists of 28 EU member states, but also by other countries that consider this a good practice (For example: Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. Recently, Qatar has expressed its intention to create a NFIP, about the preparations for the FIFA World 2022). Through this network is operational information exchanged between the European Police on supporters of travel (and in particular on risk supporters) to attend international matches between clubs and selections.

The creation of the Sports Information Units (UID) (Spotters) on PSP has also been instrumental in the assessment of the phenomenon of violence in sport and organized groups of fans, in information research and analysis, in community policing with fans and incident response, in case of need, giving priority to a surgical operation on risk supporters.

The link between Spotters, the Special Police Unit, traffic units, the Rapid Border Intervention Teams, private security surveillance teams is one of the recipes for success of these security operations.

In games or competitions higher risk, the security operation is not limited to the stadium and their vicinities, but the safety of arrivals and departures of international airports, hotels, the itineraries of delegations and teams, the training of local or stage, the referee teams, public transportation and major interfaces, the nightlife venues and across the city where the team competition. An important aspect to consider is that cities and countries do not stop while performing these complex events, as other citizens have an equal right to liberty and security and that police resources should not be only affects the specific event in prejudice to other community.

According to League of information regarding the time Portugal 2016/2017, were realized 34 Days in the league IN (9 games for matchday, in total 306 games at the time), Competition being composed of 18 teams (13 with stage located in the area of ​​responsibility of PSP). The PSP assured security 245 games in the league at the time IN 2016/2017. The SL Benfica, Sporting CP and FC Porto had an accumulated respectively of 1.002.601 spectators, 762.571 spectators and 686.735 stages in their viewers, only the league NOS during the time 2016/2017 and without accounting assistance in other European games (Champions League and Europa League) and national (Portugal Cup and League Cup).

The result of the actions of the security forces and, especially the PSP, from a time 2010/2011 Indoor up to época 2016/2017 They were applied 155 Entry prohibition measures in sports facilities and stadiums the fans by the judicial authorities and 29 competent governmental authority (IPDJ I.P). The time they were applied more interdiction measures was 2016/2017 (38), of 2012/2013 (37) and 2013/2014 (36). Until August 2017 They were active in Portugal entry ban measures in sports venues for 27 supporters, all applied by judicial authorities.

We argue that working together is crucial, the exchange of information, the ongoing cooperation and co-responsibility between partners - directions of the clubs / SAD's, Security Forces, security officers of the clubs, ARD’s, civil protection, medical emergency, federations, club leagues, Social Communication, and supporters.

It is essential the commitment of the leaders of national clubs for disciplinary action to fans. We underline the difference in behavior of the Portuguese fans in national and international competitions, but also how they behave in Portugal and in traveling abroad. To these facts a certain sense of impunity due to the lack of sanctions by the promoter and the administrative and judicial authorities is not oblivious. On the other hand, UEFA competition (Champions League and Europa League) fans know that any violent acts or for example the use of pyrotechnics can do incur heavy penalties on clubs (pecuniary, games behind closed doors or exclusion from competitions), very unusual situation in national competitions.

interdiction measures applied by administrative, applied by IPDJ, I. P., are to be reduced in contrast to the nature of judicial interdiction measures are increasing. It is important to more consistent application of enforcement measures deprivation of the right of access to sporting venues, in criminal procedural, as a result of detention in flagrante delicto and the application of administrative measures of deprivation of the right of access to sporting venues, under Law No. 39/2009 of 30 July, amended by Law No. 52/2013 of 25 July, following a process contravention.

The Federation, the League and the clubs may not "stick your head in the sand" and advocate that all security problems should be solved by the State and in particular by Security Forces. They can and should assume their responsibilities and, according to the law, prohibit access to stadiums of members that do not meet its safety regulations, and penalize clubs and sports companies that do not comply with the law.

The organizers and promoters shall take measures to encourage families to attend the stadiums in a festive atmosphere (through stewarding, in good physical condition, physical security measures at the stadium, the room quality, the realization of schedules more compatible games for families, children, seniors).

Sports leaders should resign promoting fratricidal polemics and appeals to bigotry no-brainer in the media, that so often enhancer of violence and public policy changes between different clubs fans. Direct support or implied to the action of illegal or violent GOA, the complicit silence and inaction, given the violence of the fans, without being held accountable for club officials for wrongdoing, feeds his strength and can not continue. The attitude of irresponsibility and finger pointing to law enforcement and the courts have been reiterated, contributing to impunity.

The Security Forces and Services, specifically the PSP, part of the solution, but may not be as the only remedy for the virus of violence in sport. The PSP operates with professionalism and competence, and in partnership with the main actors contributes to the sports events are safe.

It is imperative to strengthen the competent administrative authority (IPDJ I. P.), providing it with adequate human resources and materials, so that there is a bigger and better enforcement of rules in force and a speedy and effective sanctions.

It is crucial to the further development of protective strands and service in the framework of sporting competitions. The level of protection should be systematically conducting training activities, awareness and exercises involving the various stakeholders safety and security, organizers, clubs, etc., to deepen the synergies and, yet, the definition of enforceable minimum standards applicable to all. Level of service, prosecutors should be required to take good care policies, user-friendliness, tolerance (repressing relentlessly violence, xenophobia and racism), comfort in stadiums, encouraging a party atmosphere that makes them more attractive stadiums, in order to increase audience and revenue.

Subject to some adjustments that might be addressed, in Portugal is not in question the adequacy of existing legislation to prevent and suppress violence in sports context, but its effective application, greater cooperation between the various actors and the assumption of responsibilities by all. Portuguese society has to face this reality not with alarmism, but with pragmatism, under penalty of intolerance, conflict and violence take even more severe and difficult to control proportions.

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