Opinion (Nuno Poiares / Subintendente PSP): The PSP and citizens. Proximity, confidence, involvement and knowledge.
The PSP is an armed security force, uniform, hierarchical, civil nature and the few Portuguese police institutions, We can be proud to have in your name, since its inception, the term "police", demonstrating its role and uncertain nature in the eyes of Portuguese society and the international community (in the path of its various missions abroad).
Subintendente PSP
Ph.D in Political Sociology
A productive institution or system is a social construction that is based on an organizational framework and its main asset - the people; that is why, It is permeable to time and the vicissitudes of human history, even if, in some cases, regardless of contingencies, can maintain, for various reasons, what is your matrix based on a set of values ​​that endures - in essence - through handover to future generations.
It is not so surprising (although it may be intentionally skipped) that weaknesses and characteristics of a society are the same as found in their forces and security services. Institutions incorporate the potential, but also the vices and weaknesses of society, however much we try to address this reality with a saturated selection process. The police, while projection material social context, political, historical, educational and economic, is no exception; It is not possible to envisage a autárcica view of it, while closed system that is sufficient in itself.
This fact leads us to the Greek etymon, with influences from Latin, when we know that the politeia expression appears associated to the idea of ​​civilization, of culture, of State, the city and drive in the polis. O sociologist Norbert Elias (1897-1990) - the path of Weber's analysis - when spoke about the civilizing process, invoked the importance of monopolization of violence (or the use of force) by the State, as milestone (although ambiguous) for the pacification of the space and the consequent growth of different areas of life in society (education, Cheers, bank, tourism, etc.). Today we find a society with a police legitimized by the state and with a core business - security - converted into a market good, which includes rankings and that makes them more or less competitive and attractive countries for business, for tourism and for the wealth of a country.
If there were times when the police was clearly percecionada as an extension and an armed wing of the political power, Today the reality is different. The growing critical mass and the existence of a democratic rule of law (imposing a subordination to constitutional law and ordinary, including by the state, which is responsible for safeguarding respect for the rights, freedoms and guarantees), but also the enhancement of trade unionism, the stamp civilian, among other factors, It has led to the reconfiguration of the police public service idea.
That is why, when a policeman is injured or physically assaulted, is the democratic rule of law that is questioned and nipped; and this can not be forgotten or devalued by the citizens and the political and judiciary, They should not allow any grace by the legitimating entities and escrutinadoras police action.
The PSP is an armed security force, uniform, hierarchical, civil nature and the few Portuguese police institutions, We can be proud to have in your name, since its inception, the term "police", demonstrating its role and uncertain nature in the eyes of Portuguese society and the international community (in the path of its various missions abroad).
On 2 July 2017 PSP celebrated its 150th anniversary at the service of Portugal and its citizens. They are 150 calcorreados years by thousands of women and men (they also mothers, parents, children, brothers and one's grandchildren), who decided to wear one uniform representing the Order and Public Tranquility for the sake of their fellow citizens; and they were watching the strengthening of its mission, given the apparent responsiveness and the growing skills of its professionals.
In fact, paraphrasing the National Director of PSP (2017), Police guarantees, daily, security around 70% the resident and commuting population and about 43 million passengers in domestic airports; It is responsible for security and public order of 95% existing sensitive urban areas; and processing from about 52% of general crime and over 70% the violent and serious crime registered in Portugal. The PSP made, last year, 25.771 arrests, seized 6.885 weapons, He pulled over 20.000 drunk drivers of Portuguese roads, concluded 98.950 criminal investigations, performed over 16.000 sports policing operations and developed over 17.600 actions in various community policing domains.
These figures - often invisible to the less attentive citizen - demonstrate the broad spectrum of the PSP sphere of action and reinforce their full police vocation, responsive in various areas of life in society; and its importance for economic growth of Portugal. Security is an increasing amount based, increasingly, the co-responsibility of various partners: It is the designated Governance Network. Hence the active presence of the PSP in various forums, as social networking sites, municipal safety advice, residents' associations, the governing boards and parents' associations in schools, the child protection committees and youth at risk, among other spaces for debate and fundamental action for the safety of all.
It is in this spirit (dialectics between citizens who are police officers and citizens who are not police) the PSP has sought to strengthen the proximity to its customers, especially those who are most vulnerable. The watchword, in particular from the late 90 the last century, He became close, fundamental idea to strengthen the symbolic capital of the PSP brand and the subjective feeling of security. Of course, there are many obstacles, misunderstandings and fracturing episodes, sometimes, They lead us to question the enveredada option, but part of the life of the institutions (as well as in human life) overcoming the difficulties resilience, positive spirit and creative ability to do better with the resources available. It has always been so and will remain so.
We ended, adapting to police reality a thought of Eduardo Couture, Uruguayan lawyer (1904-1957): seeks to estimate the police so that, on the day when your son asks you some advice about career who is to follow, consideres an honor to offer you to be police. It is this vision that is intended PSP: an institution of values, based on a high ethical sense, proximity and represents a reference to the Portuguese, especially young: many future police.
N.D.R. (writing note): From this week we will go on to have an Opinion article written by a PSP element, In the same spirit we have developed with our illustrious collaborator, amigo e oficial da GNR, Lieutenant Colonel Rogério Copeto. The Superintendent Jorge MaurÃcio, Commander Cometlis / Lisbon, dynamic space, the Lidador News welcomes wholeheartedly collaboration.