Opinion (José Lúcio): Wonderland.

Reading the press today I learned that Dr. Luis Montenegro at home it is handled by Filipe, the mother calls him Filipinho and school was the Pea. Naturally softened felt with these intimacies, and invaded me a sense of gratitude towards journalism that raises so generously in the ethereal seat that every day insists on rise (Camões that I'm sorry abuse).

José Lúcio

Developer Lidador News

However, although delighted with this cuddly country and anesthetized, and vaguely proud accomplice in the enjoyment of journalism that serves, I was unable to prevent a faint and distant clouds, a little snags, come haunt the quiet serenity of the landscape.

I will not speak of the case of gigantism scandal, because the subject of such size exceeds my capacity of understanding and ultimately to our reference press relegates the theme for each sub headings and a few generic and mundane considerations can only be because he does not have the importance that my ingenuity gives it. I have to accept that when it comes to millions or billions someone living at the level of pennies is not especially qualified to understand.

I was thinking before those disorders that televisions generously provide us, always with the proper framework. Far from me to doubt that such disrespect are perfectly explainable by police repression and social and racial discrimination, and stoning police, vandalizing cars and set fire to police stations and garbage containers are legitimate expression of discontent and revolt. Yet, I can not help feeling some discomfort at the thought that those who suffer losses, on public roads cuts, in the destruction of municipal equipment, in the car attack, are obviously the weakest and most disadvantaged of our citizens - and never installed in the power of carpets, in the comfort of offices, and advising the system of prebends.

But, patience – I have to resign myself: is the most illustrated and progressive members of our political class report that everything is solved by educating the police (after a rigorous surveys) and spreading the squeegees by the claimants and their associations more handouts and subsidies, who am I to question so be it.

And by the way these events can even be seen by a very positive angle: if Lisbon is not Paris, goes beyond the strides and safe. think positive, gentlemen!

However, thickens up the pre-electoral climate and competitors strive to gain advantages at the starting line. To tell the truth we will spend the year it. is not expected in such a temporal situation that the press down to earth or politicians accept to say something that may disadvantage in the judgment of voters. We have so certain that the year will be fireworks, especially verbal, when not of confetti and streamers. However, is right, there are serious problems and the odds point towards its worsening. But who will be to bring us to this reality and the need to face?

Among the elites reigns a natural indifference. There is no sense of responsibility or guilt. Actually it is installed between the political class that governs us so wonderfully firm belief that if something goes wrong in the country blame can only be in the country itself.

This idea seems to me unwise, and themselves should heed it. If the damage is in the country, then the remedy would be to exchange the country. However, if generalizing the people the belief that radical mismatch between the country and those that you are going commanding destinations, the more natural it will be the country to decide to exchange political.

O problem, so far, It has been in not finding staff for the exchange.

(Text written under the previous rule to spell AO1990, by the author's option)

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