Opinion (Rogério COPETO): RURAL WORLD.
This article is about "Insurance Field Project", which has its genesis in the protocol "Ribatejo Insurance / Insurance Field", dated September 2010 and formalized between the Territorial Command of Santarém, a REFER, a REN, a aPPLES, PT, EDP ​​and the various associations of farmers based in the Ribatejo region, in order to prevent and combat precious metals theft.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
I bring this matter to the LN to make known "Insurance Field Project", the most visible face is "Field Operation Safe", with editing 2016 not finished day 31 January, whose results can be found in the GNR page www.gnr.pt or by reading any of the following items, as an example of several that have been published by the OCS: In SICNoticias by reporting 2 February with the title "Held 117 people suspected of crimes related to agricultural activity", where in addition to being able to monitor the actions taken by the GNR in Miranda do Douro, one is to know that "during Operation "Field Insurance", It held the last three months, GNR arrested 117 people suspected of crimes related to agricultural activity. Yet, the number of thefts decreased thanks to patrolling and awareness made to farmers"; In TVI24 in part 2 February called "GNR has 117 people and seizes 55 tons olive"; In the News Journal 3 February in the article "They come from Nepal and Senegal to be explored in Alentejo"Where is discussed the work of the GNR in the fight against Trafficking in Human Beings (TSH), or; Right here in Lidador News on article 3 February called "Field Operation Safe: With more arrested and most stolen olive seizure", which is given prominence to the work of the Territorial Command Beja, and in particular said that " GNR seized 55,53 tons of olives in Operation "Field Insurance", triple the operation recorded in the previous year. Only Beja district were seized 33.880 pounds".
As already mentioned the "Insurance Field Project"Arose from the need to implement a special program of community policing aimed to prevent and combat precious metals theft, having however in recent years seen extended its incidence spectrum, which now aims to not only prevent the precious metals theft, matter already dealt with here in our article of July 2015 with the title "The theft of precious metals", as well as the fight against TSH, already addressed here in the article called "O Human Trafficking"And the prevention of theft of various agricultural products, such as olive or cork, issue addressed in another article of August 2016 with the title "The theft of cork".
As referred back or "Insurance Field Project" was born in 2010 in Santarém and was extended to the whole GNR device the following year, with the formalization in 16 November 2011, a protocol that Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) He signed with EDP Distribution, EDPR, a REFER, a EPAL e a PT denominado "Insurance Field Project", to address the phenomenon of non-precious metals theft, having the above undertakings constituted "Association for the Promotion of Technical Asset Security" (WRITE), as "main objective of establishing an active partnership with the security forces in order to improve the defense mechanisms of the infrastructure of its members, against the theft of metals. Performing a technological partnership with the security forces and promoting among its members, good preventive practices and exchange of information and knowledge in the theft of domain metals".
Under this protocol and in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to MAI, A GNR executou entre 2011 and 2012, a set of activities, namely: The implementation of Operation "Waste operators - Scrap 2011", between days 20 and 21 December 2011, with the monitoring mission sucateiras: Implementation of the 1st edition of "Field Operation Safe" between the days 1 February and 1 March 2012, by conducting awareness-raising farmers and the general population in all its territorial device, through personal contacts and awareness-raising, in order to inform them about theft prevention measures of base metals and repressing any illicit activity, to create greater sense of security among the population affected by this type of crime; The preparation of a booklet with advice on the prevention of metal theft precious not for distribution to farmers; The completion of five actions of information / awareness directed to farmers, in partnership with the five directions the Regional Agricultural and Fisheries (MURDER) and; Participation of GNR for the first time "National Meeting of Waste Management Operators and Recyclers"Organized by the Portuguese Association of Waste Management Operators and Recyclers (APOGER), made no dia 10 Feb. 2012 at the Belém Cultural Centre; The preparation of a booklet on prevention of non-precious thefts of metal items placed in public places and churches.
As a result of the formalization of the protocol mentioned above the PSAT acquired four characterized TT car, que entregou à GNR, bound for Territorial Command Santarém Leiria, to strengthen the policing prevention of non-precious metal thefts, and these commands also been the first to install "Situation Room", to monitor the alarms installed in infrastructure partners, such as high voltage pylons or irrigation pivots, and to this end have been created, through own resources GNR, a common communication protocol alerts to all partners, called CAP (Common Alerting Protocol), allowing the various information systems automatically communicate occurrences to GNR.
As a corollary of all these activities, GNR became the institution in Portugal got more knowledge about the precious metals theft, having therefore be associated with the so-called international project POL-PRIMETT, which aims to combat the phenomenon of theft of precious metals and associated public and private entities, including security forces, which are represented by the police of several countries and is led by National Crime Agency UK and includes partners from eight Member States of the EU, sendo a GNR a representante portuguesa, which quickly assumed a leading role within this international organization, thus honoring the GNR and the country.
The GNR also had an essential role in the development of Law No. 54/2012 of 6 of September, which defines the means of preventing and combating non-precious metals theft and provides additional and strengthening mechanisms under surveillance by the security forces and services in the waste management activity. Important legal instrument, being primarily responsible for the reduction of the crimes of theft of precious metals recorded in recent years.
But taking into account that the criminal phenomena that affect the rural world are not only non-precious metals theft, GNR extended the incidence of spectrum "Insurance Field Project", for the prevention of theft of various agricultural products, such as orange in Algarve, olive and cork in the Alentejo and Extremadura, the pine cone in the Ribatejo and the hives in Tras-os-Montes (also steal hives in Alentejo and olives in Tras-os-Montes, thus being the "Insurance Field Project"Nationwide), as well as the fight against TSH, verifying that the work that has developed since GNR 2010, It resulted in greater visibility in the prevention and prosecution of all criminal phenomena plaguing the rural world, constituting so, as the institution that has most contributed to the heightened sense of security existing in rural areas, thus "Insurance Field Project"Was to call"Rural world". It is thus explained the article title.