Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): 2017 IN REVIEW.
Like last year, as is the tradition at the end of each year, this article aims to give a summary of the main events that occurred during the year 2017, using the themes that have been discussed here in LN.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
During the year 2017 I wrote 49 Articles, including this, "Trying to be all relevant, interesting and current, knowing however that few have reached this aim ", as we had occasion to write in the article pointed out the mark of 100 article, with the title "General and breeches".
So, in 2017 We continued to write about road safety, particularly in the article entitled "THOUGHT 2020 and do it 2020", by reason of the public consultation of the "National Strategic Plan for Road Safety – THINK 2020 ', which has since been published and so wrote the article with the title "new strategy, old problems", which we refer to the "THINK 2020" aims to achieve in 2020, the 41 killed per million inhabitants, corresponding to a reduction of fatalities by more than half, compared with the dead registered in 2010, It is expected however, the year 2017 ending with an increase in road deaths, given that even 15 of December They were recorded over 61 dead, of those in the same period of 2016 (422 in 2016 and 483 in 2017), add still missing the dead 30 days (at least another 25% of total fatalities).
While on the subject of road safety we wrote two articles, one with the title "boars: Bad for agriculture, worse for road safety " and the second called "Hit and run: The perfect crime?" in day 8 Feb., which aroused the interest of the journal "Autohoje", motivating why the drafting of the article "Deadly road kill hide murders”, published in issue No. 1436 May, that magazine.
Another recurring theme is domestic violence (CEO), so we had the opportunity to write the article "Domestic violence, GNR and UN operations"By media coverage of the subject to another case of domestic violence reached, and where we know the "Annual Report Monitoring – Domestic Violence in 2015 "released on 29 December 2016 by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose report on the 2016 It has not been disclosed. So, the second year only know the number of RV crimes related to no previous, at the end of the following, and our belief that the sooner the statistics are known about VD, best institutions plan their actions to prevent and combat the phenomenon.
Still on VD wrote the article "I ask justice"By reason of the Court of Évora ratio has acquitted a man convicted of the crime of domestic violence, after concluding that acts like grabbing the victim by the neck not add up abuse. And still on the subject of controversial judgments wrote the article "judicial decisions in domestic violence cases", by reason of the famous judgment of Judge de Moura Neto, having also had the opportunity to write a series of articles where the theme was approached VD, and in particular Articles: "women survivors"; "Victims of 1st and 2nd class"; "parenting and domestic violence"; Compliments and Stalking” e; "Chronicle of a murder".
In addition to the RV, the protection of children is another of the issues we address frequently, so also this year wrote several articles on this subject in particular: "Removal of children - part 1"; "Removal of children - part 2"; "Genetics and missing children"; "Child up to 25 year old” e; "Child Trafficking". In this context we also wrote about the "Safe School Program", Articles "To 25 Safe school years entered the university or not", "silver anniversary of the Safe School Program", "Operation National Exams", "Spring Break” e “Report abusive hazing".
Also do not forget to protect the elderly and therefore write about "Operation Senior Census", the article "A notable success"And the" Operation Senior Security ", the article "The GNR at the forefront in supporting the elderly.
safety, whose subject is transversal to all articles, We wrote about the "Homeland Security Annual Report 2016" in the article "Fewer crimes reported", to give decreased Account 11,6% in violent crime and a reduction 7,1% in general, having also addressed the security issue in Articles: "viral violence"; "Burglaries"; "Safety and free movement"; "As deadly fireworks factories” e; "Without security there is no tourism".
On the commitment that GNR had during the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Fatima Shrine in days 12 and 13 May, wrote the articles "GNR: the 'mother' of the whole operation"Before operation, "operation Fatima"After the operation and"Outsourcing the Security"By reason of the rental equipment by the authorities to detect and neutralize drones during "Operation Fatima".
Unfortunately we did not have much time to congratulate us with the resounding success that was "Operation Fatima", because soon after in June occurred the worst fires in our history, who had repeat in October, considering the number of fires, the burnt area and the number of fatalities, so wrote several articles on the subject, namely: "The critical period is when nature wants"; "Missing in fire: The other tragedy"; "A country of arsonists"; "Better evacuate than cure” e; "Phase Charlie and Critical Period". Fires June and October, from which resulted the death of over a hundred innocent, They had several consequences, namely the dismissal of policymakers and implementation of various measures so as not to repeat the tragedy this year, one being the elimination of "DECIF 2018" notorious phase of fighting fires (Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Eco).
Other issues were also addressed and not wanting to leave any of the articles out, so that those who had no opportunity to read, and can do now, recall why Articles: "State honors, youth violence and referees"; "Insubordination, Algerians fleeing and homicides"; "Rural world"; "O novo Estatuto by GNR"; "disappeared: Each head his sentence"; "A GNR e as armas"; "Good practices of the Brazilian Military Police” e; "Quality security forces and certified".
We also wrote the article with the title "a bad 2017, but it could be worse", so we hope that the year 2018 be better than the year 2017, and this holiday season is walkable to all those who join family in the days of Christmas in their home areas and for those who will celebrate the New Year away from your area, so also we recall that this year the GNR perform the famous "Operation Christmas / New Year", in order to prevent road accidents, ensuring the safety of users of Portuguese roads, for all to reach their destinations and may be you would most like.
I wish all readers and employees of News Lidador a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018.
See you next year, in safety.