The school year 2017/2018 began this week, in all primary schools and secondary, and tomorrow day 14, the Safe School Program (PES), full 25 years old, commemorating this school year its Silver Jubilee.

Rogério COPETO

Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR

Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor

Head of Education Division / Doctrine Command and Formation

The PES was born in 14 September 1992 and it was created through the signing of a protocol between the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) and the Ministry of Education (ME), with the objectives of: " Promote a culture of safety in schools; – Foster civility and citizenship, thereby contributing to the affirmation of the school community as a privileged space of integration and socialization; – Diagnose, prevent and intervene in schools security issues, and; – Determine, prevent and eradicate the occurrence of risk behavior and, or unlawful in schools and surrounding areas".

It is the GNR and PSP which has fitted responsibility for operationalizing PES, during estes 25 years old, in their respective areas of jurisdiction, in fulfillment of the various Orders, which over the years have been published, the latter being No office 25 650/2006 of 19 of December, designed by the MAI and ME.

For achievement of the PES objectives, GNR and PSP develop, in schools their responsibility, actions to reduce or eradicate the violence and insecurity in schools and surroundings, and the PES developer of targeted initiatives and projects to promote citizenship and civic values ​​at school, with a view to harmonious development by the students and to meet this desideratum the GNR and PSP promote partnerships and synergies between the various entities and actors, both national and local levels, to ensure a safe environment in schools and surroundings.

In our article 22 March this year, with the title "To 25 Safe School years entered the university or not", we had the opportunity to remember that PES complete this school year 25 years old and that the GNR through the program "University in Safety", extended for the first time the PES goals, the higher education institutions, as referred to in Public article 10 April called "'Safe School' for universities?", where it is stated that "the National Guard program (GNR) 'University Security', 'Currently in the planning stage, It aims to guarantee a closer security of the entire university community, including the surrounding areas of higher education institutions', said the captain Ricardo Silva, head of communication of GNR. 'The program has its expected release later in the course of this month'. This program, It is independent of the program 'Safe School', seeks' a preventive and proactive approach to these educational institutions, trying to anticipate problems on safety '".

Also new for this school year is the obligation of the Coordinator of the Safe School Program Group (GCPES), to gather at the end of each semester and extraordinarily whenever circumstances warrant, to ensure coordination and monitoring of the PES, and the tasks that are entrusted to them, namely: – Planning and coordination of the national program; – Definition and promotion of training models; – harmonization, nationally, safety procedures between the different actors of the Safe School Program;- Participation in the definition of models of collection and processing of information and monitoring of the security situation in schools; – Promoting contacts with other entities in order to further the objectives of the Program".

This change to the operation of GCPES was introduced by No. office 2723/2017, of 31 March, also designed by the MAI and ME, which recognizes the importance of PES, stating that "over about a quarter-century of existence, this program has made a decisive contribution to these objectives and the development of citizenship values, namely by promoting civic engagement projects between schools, the security forces and communities".

Said Order also believes that if you want the PES: " Continue to promote partnerships and synergies between different entities and actors, both national and local levels, to ensure a safe environment in schools and surroundings; – Continue to be a developer of targeted initiatives and projects to promote citizenship and civic values ​​at school, aimed at the harmonious development of children and young people, and; – Having an organizational structure that promotes efficiency and effectiveness, the measurement of results achieved in its scope and optimization of means and resources to other affections".

With the publication of this Order XXI Constitutional Government considers that "Education is a prime means of promoting social justice and equal opportunities and, consequently, schools are key areas for (re)production of the fundamental values ​​of a democratic society. The preservation of a favorable environment for the normal functioning of educational institutions and the security of the entire school community – students, parents, non-teaching staff and teachers – They are, because, impostergáveis ​​missions of the State", taking PES "as a priority objective to ensure extensive safety conditions to the entire school community, whether through improving the efficiency of human and material resources for this purpose, be, also, the adoption of methodologies for primary and secondary prevention of risk situations present in the daily lives of all who are part of this community".

Which is why "a prevenção de ocorrências criminais e antissociais, both within schools in the surrounding area, It is therefore essential for the creation and maintenance of objective conditions of security and to increase the sense of security of the whole educational community. Equally relevant is its dominance in social inclusion dynamics, in increasing school performance and to combat truancy".

As mentioned PES meets tomorrow, day 14 of September, 25 years old, deserving by the MAI and ME, the Silver Jubilee is marked with pomp and circumstance, because this initiative is undoubtedly the special program of community policing, more visibility has, It is unanimously considered an asset for the security of the entire school community, which include pupils, teachers, assistants and carers, suggesting why, the holding, during this academic year, of one or more events, where all partners can meet, in order to celebrate 25 years of working together, for the safety of our students, whose first beneficiaries of 1992 they are today, certainly, better citizens.

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