Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): BACK TO SCHOOL, BACK TO PRAXIS.
September is marked on the calendar as the month of the start of classes, and that for some will be a return and to others their first contact with this new reality, and therefore it is essential at this time.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
Another issue that is repeated at the beginning of each school year is the subject of academic praxes, existing in higher education, with the public in his article "Minister wants to alienate customary commissions and put scientists to receive new students", of 5 of September, gave voice to the open letter from the Minister of Science and Higher Education, sent to all university higher education institutions and polytechnics.
The theme of academic hazing has already been discussed in the article "violent practice is a crime", Having considered the time, that violent and abusive hazing may constitute the practice of a crime, and therefore need to be treated as such, in accordance with the provisions of criminal law, and not in any rules, as a disciplinary offense, with the result that none of these behaviors is really punished, causing the perpetrators a sense of impunity.
I also considered the need to extend the "Safe School Program" (PES), the higher education institutions, to strengthen the fight against violent and abusive hazing, keeping the same objectives that exist for primary schools and secondary, which among other, aims to prevent and combat crimes inside and outside of schools, because our students need the same kind of awareness and information, We need our younger students, as well as require the proximity of the security forces, students of primary and secondary education are guaranteed every year.
We continue to defend the view, which at the time we expressed, because we believe that students attending higher education need information and proximity of security forces, and still need a change of attitude on the part of the population towards the violent and abusive hazing, denouncing all these behaviors, starting with university students.
It was this view that caught the attention of journalist Joana Costa, the Sun newspaper and included it in his article "Praxes without control", publicado no dia 7 October last year, which also echoed the words of researchers, responsible for higher education, the President of the Council of Rectors and the President of the Portuguese Association of Private Higher Education, and they were all unanimous in condemning the violent hazing and that the same should be banned, inside and outside the academic spaces.
In the same way now is the Minister of Science and Higher Education in an open letter saying that "You do not want higher education institutions recognize the usual commissions and other bodies that regulate academic hazing " criticizing "The 'abuse and humiliation' associated with academic traditions" and defending "That must be made of reception programs for new students as culture and science to serve as 'alternative' to the usual rites at the beginning of the school year".
Taking into account the particular sensitivity that the Minister of Science and Higher Education shows on the phenomenon of violent and abusive hazing, and because we want to continue to contribute to ending these same practices, we reiterate that opinião or prune problem be mitigated, if the PES is extended to higher education institutions, and so we remember that the program, It is regulated by Joint Order No. 25 650/2006, approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAY) and the Ministry of Education (ME), where you can read that "Schools are a prime area of freedom, conviviality and security where they reproduce the fundamental values of a democratic society. Yet, the occurrence of deviant behavior and / or antisocial can create, set of country, Students and teachers, non-teaching staff and the general public, the perception of schools as a violent social environment, with negative repercussions in the teaching / learning process and the social inclusion of dynamic. The preservation of a favorable environment for the normal development of the school's mission is priority task of the State and local communities. "
Despite the above-mentioned diploma be 2006, PES was born to 24 years ago, having during all this years been a benchmark within the community safety and community policing, whose objectives remain current, which are to promote a culture of safety in schools, foster civility and citizenship, thereby contributing to the affirmation of the school community as a privileged space of integration and socialization, to diagnose, prevent and intervene in schools security issues, and determine, prevent and eradicate the occurrence of risk behavior and, or unlawful in schools and surrounding areas.
And to meet the objectives indicated above, GNR back again to schools at the beginning of this new school year, whose teaching activities are planned to start in all the schools of the day 9 and 15 of September, constituting this moment, once again, an event that affects the whole society, especially the school community, where the first days of classes are crucial for a good start of the school year.
That is why, once again the GNR will be present in all the schools of their responsibility, as part of "Operation Back to School", for the new school year starts smoothly, because with regard to security is the duty of GNR contribute to the new school year starts smoothly, which always happens in schools of primary and secondary, and we hope that this year we can say the same, with regard to the first day of classes in higher education institutions, and not repeat the News of practices which consist of university students bury in the sand as long as they are administered alcohol.