Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): ALLEGED CRIMES LESS.
After the year 2015 have interrupted the downward trend in crime since 2009, the year 2016 ends with a decrease in reported crime 7,1%, constituting the year 2016, as one that less crime recorded since 2003.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
As we mentioned above in our article "The crime statistics", exactly a year ago today, that most of the Media (OCS) He made known the increase in crime in 2015, particularly through the TSF parts "Crime subsidiary increased 13% in 2015"Or RR"General participated crime rises for the first time in seven years".
This year, and also by reason of the presentation of the Internal Security Annual Report 2016 (Perhaps 2016), in Parliament, last Friday 6th, the OCS gave echo of the significant reduction in reported crime, an example being the article News Journal 30 March, with the title "Record: 2016 recorded the lowest number of crimes ever", which states that "the Homeland Security Annual Report (Perhaps), related to 2016, It shows a decrease of 11,6% in violent crime and a reduction 7,1% in general. The number of crimes recorded by the police in 2016 It is the lowest since statistics are published by the internal security system, a partir de 2003", having been registered 330.872 crimes in 2016, against 356.032 in 2015.
Also the Audience article 31 March under the title "Juvenile delinquency, to computer crimes: the main indicators of internal security", makes known the numbers of almost all types of crime, particularly the reduction of CRiminlidade Denunkeeda having been "resumed the downward trend since 2009, after an increase recorded two years ago".
Violent crime also showed a significant decrease and this contributed to the reduction in bank robberies, that according to the Public article 31 March, with the title "Fewer bank robberies, but double the computer sabotage crimes", the "theft by stretching, to banks and pharmacies seem to be getting out of fashion, such as precious metals theft".
However, not all good news, and the public in the same article gives notice that the domestic violence (CEO) "increased almost 2% in 2016 yoy, with 27.291 occurrences recorded by security forces, involving more than 32 thousand victims", this being one of the most negative indicators of RASI 2016.
This increase in RV will not have been surprised for the most attentive and we realized that, in our article 12 January this year, with the title "Domestic Violence, Operations of GNR and UN", where we were able to predict, the year 2016 end with a slight increase in RV crimes, facto que o RASI 2016 confirmed, an increase of 1,7%. This prognosis took into account the increase in RV in the 1st half of 2016, where the GNR and PSP registered 13.123 crimes, which corresponded to an increase of 1%, compared to the same period 2015. But this increase 1,7% RV in 2016 It might not be the real, because this value will only be known when the release of "Report of the Domestic Violence Monitoring Annual 2016", that at best will only see the light of day, no 2nd semester 2017.
Another negative because of the RASI 2016 It is the analysis of the terrorist threat, as mentioned in the News Journal 31 March in the article "Report: Portugal with increased risk of jihadist terrorism"Where realize that"with virtually all types of crimes to reduce, case is to say that the greatest threat comes even from outside, Islamic terrorism, a common concern in the rest of Europe".
Also how negative is the increase in robberies transport values ​​and ATM boxes as Journal News 1 April says in his article "They shoot robberies and ATM armored" (no link), which realizes an increase of 66,7% of robberies vans values, increasing 18 occurrences 2015, to 30 in 2016, further having assaults to ATM increased 64,8%, by registering at 2016 more 46 instances of those in 2015.
In the Morning Mail 1 April in the article "Crime in schools fires 6,2% in 2016", is highlighted the increase in occurrences in the school environment and said that "the school environment crime (in and around) rose by 6,2%", It is the small drug trafficking and theft, some of the crimes committed over the year 2016, with the GNR and PSP registered a total of 7.553 occurrences, more 443 than those for the previous year. curiously 6,2% It was also the increase recorded in the RASI 2015.
Still on crime in the school environment CM states that crimes committed in the areas surrounding the schools were 1.444, face a 1.368 in 2015 and that "They had the main contribution to this rise, since the RASI reveals that crimes within schools fell slightly (3.348, face to 3.400 the previous report). Continue reading
Lisbon leads the ranking of school violence, representing the 3.147 records almost double the 1.248 crimes occurred in the Port District", having the PSP and GNR affected the Safe School Program 712 effective.
However, for those who follow this phenomenon, Also this increase did not constitute any surprise, because since the end of last year that we know the school year 2015/2016 It ended with an increase in occurrences in the school environment, as we had occasion to point out in our article entitled "Monitoring and Coordination Office?" from 7 December 2016.
Despite the RASI 2016 not have been published, It is however possible to get a general perception of it, by reading the aforesaid, where retires in the year 2016 It was reported the lowest number of crimes from 2003, proving that Portugal is a country with world's safety record and the 5th most peaceful, getting only behind New Zealand, Austria, Denmark and Iceland.