Opinion (Rogério COPETO / Official GNR): O NOVO ESTATUTO DA GNR.
The new Statute of the Military National Guard (EMGNR) It was approved by DL nº 30/2017, of 22 March, and entered into force two days ago, thus signaling the National Guard its 106th birthday, on this day, with a new statute.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
The new EMGNR provides for the allocation of "level 5" of the National Qualifications System (SNQ), the Training Course for Sergeants (CFS), change we want to make known in this week's.
And for those who want to know all the other changes that were introduced in the new EMGNR, I suggest a reading of the GNR Colonel's opinion article in the Reserve, Gervásio Branco and published on 8 April, blog "Operational", with the title "Status of Military National Guard / 2017", dated 28 March.
Innovation we referred to earlier, reported in two articles of EMGNR, particularly in paragraph 4 of article 58, where it is stated that "For entry to the sergeants category is required use the sergeants training course Guard, to which is assigned the level 5 qualification of the National Qualifications System", e no nº 1 of article 218, where it is stated that "Joining the sergeants category is made in the second sergeant rank, after completion of the training course for sergeants, to which is assigned the level 5 qualification of the National Qualifications System".
But, even before to make known what is the NQS and the "level 5", It matters whether there is this reference to the Statute of the Military Armed Forces (EMFAR) or the professional status of staff performing police functions of the Public Security Police (PSP).
Starting with EMFAR approved by DL n.º 90/2015, of 29 May, found that since its entry into force, in July 2015, contains the requirement of "level 5" to join the sergeant category Ramos Armed Forces, as referred to in paragraph 1 of its article 129, stating that "For entry to the sergeants category is the level required 5 of qualification, conferred in higher education". E no nº 2 Article 227 states that "Joining the sergeants category is still done in the post quartermaster or subsargento, after completion, with use, of apprenticeship or appropriate military-technical stage, attended with subsargento undergraduate or the post quartermaster or who already hold, if higher, of qualified individuals, not least, with training level 5 of qualification, conferred in higher education". However the article 19 of Decree No. 90/2015 It provides that the system of training of sergeants of the Armed Forces Ramos remains as the previous, to the rules on attribution of "level 5", what has not happened yet.
In a rapid status query to the PSP, we find that nothing is said about it, referring to its article 89, on the Heads of Training Course (CFC), than "Promoting the head is made from the agent of career officers who have, not least, five years of effective service and complete with use CFC, By order of their classification".
After these references to EMFAR and PSP status matters now explain, albeit briefly and for those who are not informed, what is the NQS and "level 5", which now appears on EMGNR.
It's the DL nº 396/2007, of 31 of December, which establishes the legal framework SNQ and defining the structures that regulate its operation, creating the National Qualifications Framework (QNQ), which in turn is regulated by Ordinance No. 782/2009, of 23 July, the structure being as follows: The level 1 It corresponds to the 2nd cycle of basic education; The level 2 corresponds to the 3rd cycle of basic education obtained in basic education or dual certification courses; The level 3 corresponds to the vocation secondary education to continue their higher education studies; The level 4 corresponds to secondary education obtained by routes dual certification or secondary school devoted to pursuit of higher education studies plus internship at least 6 months; The level 5 It corresponds to the post-secondary level qualification with no more credits to continue their higher education studies; The level 6 corresponds to the degree; The level 7 corresponds to masters and; The level 8 corresponds to Ph.D..
As mentioned, the "level 5" does not correspond to a degree, only levels 6, 7 and 8, but nevertheless gives credit to continue to bachelor and master, this cycle being controlled by studies DL nº 43/2014 of 18 March, making the creation and regulation of a cycle of not higher studies of academic degree lecturer, this cycle being taught in polytechnic higher education institution, as appears no No. 1 yours article 2, "The Decree-Law applies to all polytechnic institutions, as well as the basic units of polytechnics integrated into higher university education institutions". However there is an exception in paragraph 2 for higher education institutions public or military police, which refers to statute the application of the principles contained in the DL No. 43/2014.
Also according to Decree-Law No 43/2014, This course of study is called higher vocational technical course (CTSP), It is conducive to the professional high school diploma (DTSP), created by DL nº 63/2016 of 13 of September, giving a rating of "level 5" of NFQ, by polytechnic education.
About military polytechnic, the only reference we find is in DL nº 249/2015, of 28 October, adopting the Statute of the University Military Institute (IUM), which is a top university military education institution, depends directly on the Chief of Armed Forces General Staff (CEMGFA), consisting in paragraph 3 of article 8 of its statute "The Polytechnic Military Unit (UPM), as a separate organizational unit constituted by the nature of Polytechnic: a) Polytechnic Marine Department; b) Army Polytechnic Department; c) Polytechnic Department of the Air Force; d) Departamento Politécnico da GNR". UPM need a diploma to adopt its organic, as established no no 2 of article 22 of DL 249/2015, which was not yet published.
for these reasons, it is concluded that for effective compliance with paragraph 4 of article 58 and paragraph 1 of article 218, both the EMGNR, it is necessary that the CFS is given a military polytechnic school or police and that their curriculum is adapted to the CTSP structure.