By reason of the media attention that another case of domestic violence received last week, again we approach the phenomenon to give to know the latest statistical data released late last year, besides realizing two GNR Operations, which were referenced in the media and a reference to the UN mission in Colombia, that we thought fit to make.
Lieutenant Colonel of the GNR
Master in Law and Security and Homeland Security Auditor
Head of the Education Division / Command Doctrine and Training
Do “Annual Report Monitoring – Domestic Violence 2015"Released on 29 December 2016 by SGMAI withdraws the GNR and PSP registered in 2015, 26.815 crimes de VD, concluding that compared with 2014 They were reported less 502 crimes, a decrease of -1,8%, by having "For every hour that passes three complaints of domestic violence", as Public News 30 of December, verifying a quick search, it will have been the only media organ (OCS) the interest in the subject.
Such indifference may be due to this disclosure have been too late, and data on RV crimes for the year 2015, are already public knowledge since the publication of "Perhaps 2015", dated 31 March 2016, which states that in 2015 They were recorded 26.783 crimes de VD, verifying so the forecast made by SGMAI in March 2016 failed for 32 crimes, which represents an error margin 0,1%, therefore you do not realize the reason for the delay in disclosing the report for the year 2015, in March when the data were already correct at a rate of 99,9%. The reason may be the extinction of DGAI in 2013 and lack of human resources allocated to the area of ​​the RV in SGMAI since, which reveals the importance of the issue, the body that is responsible for the RV strategy to combat.
But to my surprise, I found that it had again arisen in most OCS on 4 January, not to give account of the decrease in RV crimes 2015, but to give prominence to the increase in RV crimes in 1st half 2016, as news of Expresso "Complaints by domestic violence increased in the first half of 2016"And the increase in arrests in the year 2015, fact that the TSF echoed in the play "Arrests for domestic violence increase", having been made 750 arrests, verifying an increase of 132 arrests, compared with the year 2014, whose growth has been observed every year since 2009.
After in 2013 and 2014 the RV crimes have recorded similar numbers, respectively 27.318 and 27.317, in the year of 2015 down to the 26.815, whose 1st half had also registered a decline, so that increases in 1st half 2016, where the GNR and PSP registered 13.123 crimes, um corresponds to increased 1%, It may be a prognostic that year 2016 It has ended with a slight increase in RV crimes, that we will only confirm in December this year, with the publication by SGMAI RV Annual Report or in three months, when it published the "RASI 2016.".
In addition to these indicators, many more can be learned from a reading to that report, such as it is in summer and end-of-week that more RV complaints records, and more than half of the victims show no injury, having also given positive as ever smaller percentage of children who attend RV situations, which has declined in recent years (2012: 42%; 2013: 39%; 2014: 38%; 2015: 36%).
The report confirms that the GNR and PSP is the first entity to the victims report the RV situations, demonstrates the growing confidence that victims have the Security Forces, also being whom most victims turn for support, which entails increased responsibilities under the prevention of revictimization, namely at the level of the first line of intervention.
Despite some positive signs, It was unsurprisingly, we saw the year start with another high profile case of VD, this time occurred in Grândola, where after four days with the unknown whereabouts and foreseeing the worst, a woman appeared seriously injured and the suspect and his former teammate arrested, assuming that it is the author of several crimes, including kidnapping and attempted murder on the way, as realized in the Renaissance piece 6 from January "Grândola. missing woman found 'alive but badly treated'", having been saved by the same elements of PJ, as reports or Observer, Also on 6 January, in the article "PJ: 'We are the ones we took her hands woman when he was trying to smother her'", and it seems all this could be avoided if the woman had been awarded any protection measure, when a month before she complained by RV, as informs the public in the article 6 January, with the title "Woman kidnapped in Grândola failed to take protective measures".
And because the article topic also includes "Operations GNR" continued Article, to address the "Operation Safe Field" GNR, which was referred to as an important tool in the prevention of thefts of agricultural products and precious metals, in the newspaper article I, in its edition of 5 January, with the title "Properties serve. The surreal world of agricultural theft". But on "Operation Safe Field" we shall examine the subject, when the same finish 31 January, we consider that deserves the article only if, because it serves hat to an increasingly wide range of Special Programs, such as "Safe Olive", Safe Cork ", "Safe Citrine", "Hives Safe" and "Pinecone Safe".
A Special Program for GNR already received an article is the Program "Safe home"Implemented in Algarve 2010, because of a wave of robberies detached houses, that occurred at the end 2009, which led to the introduction of a set of measures to prevent and combat this criminal phenomenon, which not only contributed to its reduction, and may have contributed to the arrest by GNR, last week, an organized group that was dedicated to assault luxury North to South, as reported SIC Noticias in the play "Arrested five Chileans suspected of dozens of theft nationwide", on 4 January.
I end with the news that caused malaise in the UN, five days after António Guterres has assumed the functions of Secretary General of that organization, by reason of the alleged "lack of impartiality" demostrada by a Portuguese official, to have danced with a "guerrilla" FARC, according to the opinion of the political authorities in Colombia, which forced the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (CEMGFA) to call back to Portugal said official, after he considered to be a "does not matter", as regards RTP, on 6 January, in the play "UN Portuguese military forced to return after dancing with guerrilla FARC". Consequently we consider to be excessive by an act so little gravity, because you know the official in question and because the main feature of the Portuguese in the Diaspora is the easy integration into the culture that welcomes, by creating bonds of trust with the local population, even more necessary in fulfilling the mission of disarming the FARC. Is alert to shipping, for the guidance of Portuguese future officers who will join the UN mission in Colombia, including GNR.